Wild only Sets and the best Standard crafts for Wild.

- Forged in the Barrens (Wild ranking)
Blademaster Samuro* - Sees play in strong faster Warrior and Paladin decks.
Firemancer Flurgl* - Staple in Murloc shaman, very good winrate.
Taelan Fordring* - Playable in several decks, notably Raza priest and combo mage. - Darkmoon Faire (Wild ranking)
Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon - Staple in Secret mage, can be replaced by Aluneth. - Scholomance Academy (Wild ranking)
Lorekeeper Polkelt - Staple in many different archetypes.
Sphere of Sapience - Playable in many archetypes - Ashes of Outland
- Descent of Dragons
Ancharrr - Staple in pirate warrior, including bomb versions. - Rise of Shadows
Archmage Vargoth - Strong card in big priest, jade druid and other decks. - Saviors of Uldum
Zephrys the Great - Staple in Highlander decks.
- The Boomsday Project
The Soularium - Staple in disco and painlock.
Zilliax - Very powerful and versatile card.
- The Witchwood
Shudderwock* - Buildaround in strong highlander and Galakrond battlecry decks. - Kobolds and Catacombs
- Knights of the Frozen Throne
Bloodreaver Gul'dan - Staple in any warlock deck except painlock and zoo
Shadowreaper Anduin - Staple in Raza priest, playable in any priest deck. - Journey to Un'Goro
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Kazakus - Staple in highlander decks, notably Raza priest.
Patches the Pirate - Staple in most board based agressive decks, notably token druid.
Raza the Chained - Buildaround in Raza Highlander Priest - Whispers of the Old Gods
- The League of Explorers
Brann Bronzebeard - Strong synergy with Kazakus and other strong battlecries.
Reno Jackson - Staple in Warlock, Mage and Priest decks, and sees some play in all classes.
Sir Finley Mrrgglton - Staple in aggressive and murloc decks, anti heropower tech with Grizzled Wizard. - Goblins vs Gnomes
Mal'Ganis - Staple in any demon based slower warlock deck. - Curse of Naxxramas
Loatheb - Strong, flexible neutral tech card.
Baku the Mooneater - Staple in decks for demon hunter, paladin, warrior, hunter and rogue.
Bloodmage Thalnos - Strong neutral card, playable in a variety of decks, notably Raza priest.
Genn Greymane - Staple in even decks, notably shaman, hunter, mage and warlock.
Leeroy Jenkins - Playable finisher in any aggressive deck.
Old Murk-Eye - Staple in most murloc decks, notably Shaman.
- Forged in the Barrens (Wild Ranking)
Tamsin Roame* - Playable in painlock.
Varden Dawngrasp* - Near staple in Highlander mage, playable in Even mage. - Darkmoon Faire (Wild Ranking)
Lothraxion the Redeemed - Playable in Odd paladin.
Tickatus* - Anti control and combo tech for slower warlock decks. - Scholomance Academy (Wild ranking)
Archwitch Willow - Staple in N'Zoth Warlock decks.
Mozaki, Master Duelist* - Buildaround in OTK freeze mage.
Lord Barov - Playable in most Warrior decks and Murloc paladin.
Mindrender Illucia - Near staple in Raza priest. - Ashes of Outland
Astromancer Solarian - Playable in Highlander Quest and other mage decks.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke* - Has good synergies in Wild, notably Disco zoo. - Descent of Dragons
Dragonbane* - Strong card in most hunter decks.
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza* - Playable in various highlander decks.
Malygos, Aspect of Magic - Staple in Highlander Quest mage, playable in experimental decks. - Saviors of Uldum
Dinotamer Brann - Staple in highlander hunter, good winrate.
Reno the Relicologist* - Staple in Highlander combo and control mage. - Rise of Shadows
Barista Lynchen - Strong card in battlecry heavy decks, notably Reno mage and Galakrond ones.
Catrina Muerte - Playable in Big Priest.
Jepetto Joybuzz - Strong card in Malygos druid, playable in Raza priest. - Rastakhan's Rumble
- The Boomsday Project
Luna's Pocket Galaxy - Playable in Highlander Mage.
Stargazer Luna* - Playable in secret mage and other decks.
Subject 9* - Playable in secret highlander hunter. - The Witchwood
Lord Godfrey - Strong AOE card for slower warlocks. - Kobolds and Catacombs
Aluneth* - Decent alternative to Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon in secret mage.
Val'anyr* - Playable in several faster paladin decks.
Skull of the Man'ari - Staple in cubelock, playable in control warlock.
Zola the Gorgon - Playable in several different decks from many classes, notably highlander ones. - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Deathstalker Rexxar - Staple in any slower hunter decks and playable in the rest.
Malfurion the Pestilent* - Staple in Jade druid, playable in other slower druid decks.
The Lich King - Playable in "big" and other decks, but is a victim of power creep.
Valeera the Hollow* - Staple in mill rogue, which is seeing resurgence. - Journey to Un'Goro
Hemet, Jungle Hunter - Staple in Mecha'thun warlock, playable in several decks.
Open the Waygate - Buildaround in combo decks.
Sunkeeper Tarim - Strong card in most paladin decks. - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Finja, the Flying Star - Staple in Murloc paladin. - Whispers of the Old Gods
N'Zoth, the Corruptor - Playable in slower decks with deathrattle synergy, notably Renolock builds. - The League of Explorers
- The Grand Tournament
Skycap'n Kragg - Strong card in pirate warrior but can be replaced. - Goblins vs Gnomes
- Blackrock Mountain
Emperor Thaurissan - Near staple in renolock, playable in freeze mage. - Curse of Naxxramas
Alexstrasza*- Strong, flexible effect, playable in highlander mage and slower druid decks.
Malygos - Build-around in druid and other spell combo decks.
Sylvanas Windrunner* - Playable deathrattle decks, notably for hunter.
- Forged in the Barrens (Wild Ranking)
Death Speaker Blackthorn - Buildaround in Deathrattle Demonhunter. - Darkmoon Faire (Wild Ranking)
High Exarch Yrel - Playable in Pure and Buff paladin decks
Silas Darkmoon* - Win condition in Majordomo Executus Celestial Alignment druid. - Ashes of Outland (Wild Ranking)
Bulwark of Azzinoth - Playable in Odd warrior.
Kayn Sunfury - Playable in most Demon Hunter decks.
Kael'thas Sunstrider - Staple in Malygos druid.
Maiev Shadowsong - Very flexible card, playable in many classes, notably highlander decks.
Murgur Murgurgle - Staple in Murloc and playable in pure Paladin.
Zixor, Apex Predator - Playable in most hunter decks.
Teron Gorefiend - Has strong synergies in the format. - Scholomance Academy (Wild ranking)
High Abbess Alura* - Playable in Pure paladin, strong synergy with Anyfin Can Happen.
Jandice Barov* - Playable in highlander mage.
Speaker Gidra - Playable in Token Druid. - Descent of Dragons
Galakrond, the Tempest - Playable in Shudderwock shaman.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable - Playable in Rush warrior.
Kronx Dragonhoof - Staple in Galakrond Rush warrior.
The Amazing Reno* - Playable in highlander mage.
Valdris Felgorge* - Playable in cubelock.
Ysera, Unleashed* - Good card in Celestial Alignment druid. - Saviors of Uldum
Siamat* - Sees some play as a curve filler in highlander decks - Rise of Shadows
Commander Rhyssa* - Playable in secret paladin.
Heistbaron Togwaggle* - Playable in rogue decks using Lackeys.
Kalecgos* - Playable in several slower mage decks.
Madame Lazul* - Playable in Raza priest.
Scargil - Benefits from strong murloc synergies in the format, but does not see much play. - Rastakhan's Rumble
Halazzi, the Lynx - Good card in both quest hunter decks, playable in others.
High Priestess Jeklik - Sees niche play in discolock.
High Priest Thekal - Strong synergy with Molten Giant.
Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk - Staple in Odd mage, but is not used in the strongest mage archetypes.
Krag'wa, the Frog - Playable in Evolve shaman, niche tech in other Shaman decks.
Mojomaster Zihi - Tech card vs ramp and combo decks, played in Even decks.
Shirvallah, the Tiger - Buildaround in Holy Wrath combo decks, playable in others.
Zul'jin - Strong card in Spell hunter, playable in other hunter decks. - The Boomsday Project
Crystalsmith Kangor - Staple in Lynessa Sunsorrow and pure paladin.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius* - Playable in Odd and highlander warrior.
Floop's Glorious Gloop - Playable Malygos and Jade druid.
Electra Stormsurge - Playable in aggro and evolve shaman.
Flobbidinous Floop - Has a lot of potential for creative players and deckbuilders.
Kangor's Endless Army - Curveball tech in Mech Paladin, has potential for creative deckbuilders.
Mecha'thun* - Win condition in reno combo warlock and other combo decks.
SN1P-SN4P* - Staple in mech paladin.
Zerek's Cloning Gallery - Playable in Big/Resurrect and Deathrattle priest. - The Witchwood
Azalina Soulthief - Build-around in deckswap combo decks, sees little play currently.
Chameleos - Playable filler in Highlander decks. Can be used for information purposes.
Prince Liam - Lategame option in odd paladin.
Houndmaster Shaw - Playable in several hunter decks, notably Even hunter. - Kobolds and Catacombs
Dragoncaller Alanna - Win condition in big spell mage, sees very little play.
Grumble, Worldshaker - Staple in Shudderwock shaman.
Lynessa Sunsorrow* - Playable in buff paladin.
Master Oakheart - Staple in Wall priest and taunt druid.
Kingsbane* - Staple in weaponbuff pirate rogue.
King Togwaggle* - Buildaround in combo decks, notably Celestial Alignment druid. - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Frost Lich Jaina - Staple in any slower non-combo mage deck.
Prince Keleseth - Buildaround in several decks, low playrate.
Uther of the Ebon Blade - Staple in OTKDK Holy Wrath paladin. - Journey to Un'Goro
Awaken the Makers - Quest priest has interresting options in Wild but is not a powerhouse deck.
Lyra the Sunshard - Playable in Raza, clone and resurrect priest.
Pyros - Staple in elemental mage, playable in control mage, good winrate.
The Caverns Below* - Quest rogue is a playable deck after the nerf revert.
Unite the Murlocs - Quest murloc shaman is a playable niche deck. - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Krul the Unshackled - Playable in renolock and demon decks.
Kun the Forgotten King - Staple in Aviana combo decks, playable in all slower druid decks.
White Eyes - Decent deathrattle synergy for slow shaman decks.
Wickerflame Burnbristle - Defensive card for paladin, synergy with Corpsetaker. - One Night in Karazhan
Barnes* - Playable in deathrattle decks, Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. - Whispers of the Old Gods
Deathwing, Dragonlord - Playable in deathrattle rogue, potential in dragon and deathrattle decks.
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound* - Staple in big shaman and big rogue, playble in Big priest.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End - Playable in Jade and Malygos druid. - The Grand Tournament
Aviana - Synergy with Kun the Forgotten King in combo decks.
Nexus-Champion Saraad - Playable in Raza the Chained priest. - Goblins vs Gnomes
- Curse of Naxxramas
Kel'Thuzad* - Playable in Big decks, but will weaken slower matchups.
Feugen* - Playable in Death Speaker Blackthorn Demonhunter.
Stalagg* - Playable in Death Speaker Blackthorn Demonhunter. - LEGACY/CORE
Altruis the Outcast* - Playable in aggro Demon Hunter.
Archmage Antonidas - Buildaround in OTK combo mage decks.
Captain Greenskin* - Playable in most warrior decks and Kingsbane rogue.
Nethrandamus* - Playable in Highlander DH.
Prophet Velen - Playable in razapriest.
Ragnaros the Firelord* - Playable finisher in several decks, notably Even mage.
- Descent of Dragons
Deathwing, Mad Aspect* - Sees niche play in slower warrior decks, notably Highlander versions.
Galakrond, the Nightmare* - Galakrond Rogue sees some success at lower levels.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable - Buildaround in Galakrond spell priest, a niche deck.
Mindflayer Kaahrj - Playable in Galakrond spell priest.
Nozdormu the Timeless* - Sees niche play in OTK DK paladin.
Sathrovarr* - Has combo potential, but struggles to fin a home.
Sky Gen'ral Kragg* - Sees niche play in quest decks.
The Fist of Ra-den* - Inconsistent card, low playrate. - Saviors of Uldum
Activate the Obelisk* -Sees play in heal quest priest, low overall winrate.
Anka, the Buried* - Buildaround in Majordomo combo rogue, a niche deck.
Armagedillo - Staple in Taunt centered tempo and control decks, low playrate.
Bazaar Burglary* - Every game will be different with this archetype, but it has a low winrate.
Colossus of the Moon* - Has seen some play as anti-control tech in Big shaman.
Corrupt the Waters* - Sees play in battlecry combo decks, but has a low overall winrate.
High Priest Amet* - Sees niche play in Inner Fire combo decks.
King Phaoris* - Playable in Jade druid, sees experimental play in other decks.
Making Mummies* - Sees niche play at lower levels, but has a low winrate.
Octosari* - Sees niche play in exotic deathrattle and mill combo decks.
Sir Finley of the Sands* - Struggles to a home in the format.
Unseal the Vault* - Quest hunter is a niche deck seeing very little play.
Untapped Potential - Quest druid is now surpassed by stronger druid archetypes.
Vessina* - Has seen play in Even shaman, low playrate. - Rise of Shadows
Blastmaster Boom* - Sees niche play in bomb warrior, but is slow for the format.
Chef Nomi* - Sees niche play in delete warlock.
Khadgar* - Struggles to find a home after the Conjurer's Calling nerf.
Oblivitron* - Buildaround in Deathrattle mech hunter, low playrate.
Supreme Archaeology* - Sees niche play in experimental decks.
Swampqueen Hagatha* - Interesting card, but inconsistant and slow in the format.
Vereesa Windrunner* - Has combo potential, but is slow for the format.
Zayle, Shadow Cloak* - Interresting card but some of his decks are pretty weak. - Rastakhan's Rumble
Akali, the Rhino - Niche card for creative deckbuilders, low playrate.
Bwonsamdi, the Dead - Niche card for creative deckbuilders, synergy with Spirit of the Dead.
Captain Hooktusk - Sees very little play, could be demoted to tier 5, but new pirates could be printed.
Da Undatakah - Playable in deathrattle decks, but is a slow card to make good use of.
Hex Lord Malacrass - Greedy tech card for Highlander mage.
Oondasta - Has synergies for createive players, but sees little play currently.
Zentimo* - Sees niche play in evolve shaman.
Wardruid Loti - Has good synergies, but sees low play and winrates.
War Master Voone - Value card for dragon warrior, very low playrate. - The Boomsday Project
Boommaster Flark - Has Mech and Deathrattle synergies in the format, but sees little play.
Myra's Unstable Element* - Sees little play after the introduction of Secret Passage.
The Boomship - Playable in Mecha'thun warrior, low playrate.
The Storm Bringer* - Playable in even shaman, low playrate.
Whizbang the Wonderful* - His decks have uneven quality and a low overall winrate. - The Witchwood
Archmage Arugal - Playable in dragon, even and highlander mage, low playrate.
Countess Ashmore - Card with potential which has still found a home.
Darius Crowley - Playable in faster warrior decks.
Dollmaster Dorian* - Has combo potential, but is a very weak card currently.
Glinda Crowskin - Niche card in Mecha'thun warlock, a lot weaker after nerf.
Hagatha the Witch - Playable in several shaman decks, but is outclassed as a value generator.
Tess Greymane - Playable in quest rogue and steal-heavy decks.
The Glass Knight - Filler in Even, Pure and Highlander decks. - Kobolds and Catacombs
Kathrena Winterwisp - Staple in recruit and deathrattle hunter, low win and playarates.
Rhok'delar - Playable in spell hunter, sees very little play in higher levels.
Rin, the First Disciple* - Sees niche play as anti-control tech slower warlock decks.
Sonya Shadowdancer - Sees niche play in Big Rogue, staple in quest rogue which sees little play.
Twig of the World Tree - Sees very little play but has combo potential.
Woecleaver - Staple in recruit warrior which is not a strong archetype. - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Archbishop Benedictus - Playable in quest priest.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel - Niche card in discolock.
Bolvar, Fireblood - Slow card, effect difficult to trigger, but synergy with Crystology.
Hadronox - Staple in Taunt druid decks, low playrates currently.
Prince Taldaram - Sees niche play in cubelock.
Professor Putricide - Playable in Secret hunter.
Sindragosa* - Playable in Highlander mage, slow card for the format.
Thrall, Deathseer - Sees very little play but might have potential. - Journey to Un'Goro
Clutchmother Zavas - Niche card in discolock.
Elise the Trailblazer - Good value card in odd warrior and big spell mage.
Fire Plume's Heart - Quest warrior sees very little play but might have potential.
Lakkari Sacrifice - Sees niche play in Discolock.
Kalimos, Primal Lord - Synergy with Shudderwock, but sees little play currently.
Spiritsinger Umbra - Sees niche play in cubelock and deathrattle decks.
The Voraxx - Playable in Sound the Bells! lynessa paladin. - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Auctionmaster Beardo - Staple in OTK DK paladin, low winrate.
Aya Blackpaw* - Playable in most Jade decks, low winrate.
Inkmaster Solia - Sees niche play in reno mage.
Shaku, the Collector - Playable in odd, burgle and tempo rogue, but there are better options.
Wrathion* - Playable in dragon decks, sees almost no play in ranked. - One Night in Karazhan
The Curator - Unfortuntely too weak for a 7 drop, even in Wild dragon and Malygos decks. - Whispers of the Old Gods
C'Thun* - C'thun decks have low winrates, but can be useful for tavern brawls and singleplayer content.
Twin Emperor Vek'lor - See C'Thun.
Fandral Staghelm* - Playable in most Druid decks, but very low play and winrates.
Hallazeal the Ascended - Playable in slower shaman decks, low winrate - The League of Explorers
Elise Starseeker - Outdated tech card for control decks. - The Grand Tournament
Confessor Paletress - Playable in Raza the Chained priest.
Dreadscale - Playable in Reno Jackson deathrattle hunter.
Eydis Darkbane - Playable in Lynessa Sunsorrow paladin.
Gormok the Impaler - Playable in swarm decks, low playrate.
Justicar Trueheart - Struggles to find a home after the introduction of Baku the Mooneater.
The Mistcaller - Understatted, slow card. - Blackrock Mountain
Chromaggus - Niche card for dragon decks.
Majordomo Executus* - Buildaround in Anka, the Buried combo rogue. - Goblins vs Gnomes
Blingtron 3000 - Low playrate, synergy with Twig of the World Tree and Harrison Jones.
Dr. Boom* - Lacks the immidiate impact needed for a 7-drop in the format.
Iron Juggernaut - Playable in Bomb warrior, low winrate.
Neptulon - Playable in Murloc shaman but outclassed by other murloc generators.
Sneed's Old Shredder* - Sees niche play in Deathrattle and Big decks.
Toshley - Tech option in tempo mage and razakus spell priest decks.
Vol'jin - Tech option in any priest deck, especially Spiteful Summoner ones. - Curse of Naxxramas
Baron Rivendare* - Playable in Deathrattle decks, notably demon hunter, hunter and rogue. - LEGACY/CORE
Lord Jaraxxus* - Sees more play after change, but is outclassed as a value generator.
- Descent of Dragons
Bandersmosh* - Very unreliable card in the format.
Galakrond, the Wretched* - Too unreliable to be built around in the format.
Goru the Mightree* - Too slow for the format.
Nithogg* - Too slow for the format, sees practically no play.
Shu'ma* - Too slow for token decks in the format.
Waxadred* - Meme tech in N'Zoth, the Corruptor rogue, very low win and playrates.
Zzeraku the Warped* - Could see play in Dragon/Pain warlocks, but very low win and playrates. - Saviors of Uldum
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn* - Too slow for the format.
Elise the Enlightened* - Not needed for neither infinite value nor combos in the format.
Grand Lackey Erkh* - Is too slow and lacks value for the format.
Hack the System* - The quest reward is far too weak for the format.
Raid the Sky Temple* - The quest reward is weak and unreliable
- Rise of Shadows
Archivist Elysiana* - Too slow for the format.
Arch-Villain Rafaam* - A liability in the format.
Keeper Stalladris* - Has some potential for good combos, but they are slow for the format.
Lucentbark* - Too slow for the format.
Nozari* - Too slow for the format, there are better healing options and stall options.
Tak Nozwhisker* - Too slow for the format.
The Boom Reaver* - Too slow and low value for the format. - Rastakhan's Rumble
Gonk, the Raptor - Gonk OTK decks are not viable.
Gral, the Shark - Very low win and playrate, outclassed in deathrattle rogue.
Griftah* - Unreliable meme card, very low winrate.
Hir'eek, the Bat - Sees experimental play in handbuff zoo, very low winrate.
Princess Talanji* - Too inconistant and slow to set up, priest has much better options.
Hakkar, the Soulflayer* - Win condition in meme deck modification and mill decks, very low winrate. - The Boomsday Project
Flark's Boom-Zooka - Sees very little play, does not fit in any decks at the moment.
Dr. Morrigan - Sees practically no play, for a reason.
Harbinger Celestia - Very situational tech card vs. decks that skip earlygame minions.
Myra Rotspring* - Too slow and inconistant in the format.
Zerek, Master Cloner - Effect slow and difficult to make use of, low winrate. - The Witchwood
Blackhowl Gunspire - Meme card.
Duskfallen Aviana - Enables some big plays...for your opponent.
Emeriss - Slow card, useless in current hunter decks.
Face Collector* - This slow and inconsistent card never saw much play.
Lady in White* - Interresting effect, but has a very low play and winrate.
Splintergraft - Interresting, slow effect, playable in defensive druid decks.
Toki, Time-Tinker - Inconsistant value card for mage, very low play and winrate. - Kobolds and Catacombs
Dragon Soul - Effect difficult to trigger, far too weak to build around.
Geosculptor Yip* - Outclass as a value card, very low play and winrate.
Ixlid, Fungal Lord* - Sees very little play, replaced by better options in Malygos druid.
Marin the Fox - Understatted meme card.
Temporus - Meme card, very difficult to play safely.
The Darkness - Slow card, effect difficult to trigger, possible tech against highlander decks.
The Runespear - Inconsistant card which sees very little play. - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Arfus - Understatted, a niche card in deathrattle hunter.
Lilian Voss - Unreliable in rogue decks, low winrates.
Moorabi - Meme card, shaman lacks Freeze synergy.
Prince Valanar - Sees very little play, does anyone know a use for this card?
Rotface - Unreliable and very slow. Very low winrates.
Scourgelord Garrosh - Sees very little play, low winrates. - Journey to Un'Goro
Jungle Giants - Quest druid sees very little play and has a low winrate.
King Mosh - Surprise tech in Odd control and quest warrior, very low playrate.
Ozruk - Outclassed in elemental decks.
Sherazin, Corpse Flower - Playable in miracle rogue, very low winrate.
Swamp King Dred* - Never found a home in the format.
The Last Kaleidosaur - Quest paladin has a low winrate.
The Marsh Queen - Quest hunter has a low winrate.
Tyrantus - Niche card for Druid, has a low winrates after the nerfs. - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Don Han'Cho - Slow card for handbuff decks, unreliable and low winrate.
Genzo, the Shark - Sees very little play, outclassed in aggro druid.
Hobart Grapplehammer - Tech option for pirate warrior, very low winrate.
Knuckles - Playable in midrange hunter, very low play and winrate.
Madam Goya - Meme card, played in big shaman.
Mayor Noggenfogger - Meme card, works like Ogre Brute, not Misdirection.
Sergeant Sally - Understatted and effect difficult to trigger, playable in handbuff decks.
- One Night at Karazhan
Medivh, the Guardian* - Too slow for the format, sees very little play.
Moroes - Understatted, outclassed in token decks.
Prince Malchezaar - Meme card, dilutes your deck. - Whispers of the Old Gods
Anomalus* -Sees almost no play, control mage has much better AOE options.
Cho'gall - Sees very little play, synergy with Violet Illusionist.
Herald Volazj - Very situational card, enables OTK combos in some Tavern Brawls.
Hogger, Doom of Elwynn - Sees very little play, has meme potential in Warrior.
Malkorok - Sees little play, low winrate in tempo warrior decks.
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale - Replaced by Banana Buffoon.
Nat, the Darkfisher - A liability, outclassed in mill decks.
Princess Huhuran - Outclassed by other cards with the same effect.
Ragnaros, Lightlord* - Too slow and inconsistant in the format.
Shifter Zerus - Meme card, very inconsistent.
Soggoth the Slitherer* - Outclassed by other taunt minions, sees very little play.
The Boogeymonster - Outclassed by Eldritch Horror.
Xaril, Poisoned Mind - Outclassed in a crowded 4-slot for rogue. - The League of Explorers
Arch-Thief Rafaam - Slow card. - The Grand Tournament
Acidmaw - Understatted very situational card.
Anub'arak - Too slow to be useful for any deck.
Bolf Ramshield - Attack face to kill this guy.
Chillmaw* - Too slow to stop aggro decks in the format, very low playrate.
Eadric the Pure - Situational card, overcosted and replaced by Shrink Ray.
Fjola Lightbane - Effect difficult to trigger.
Icehowl - Slow card, outclassed in Silence priest and astral druid.
Rhonin - Slow card, sees very little play, low winrate.
The Skeleton Knight - Sees very little play, low winrate.
Varian Wrynn - Playable in tempo warrior, very low win and playrate.
Wilfred Fizzlebang* - Too slow for the format, very play and winrates. - Blackrock Mountain
Nefarian - Playable in dragon decks, low winrate.
Rend Blackhand - Very situational card.
- Goblins vs Gnomes
Bolvar Fordragon* - Synergy with Crystology but sees very little play with a low winrate.
Flame Leviathan - Unreliable card, not playable in mech mage.
Foe Reaper 4000 - Sees play in Battleground, synergy with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius.
Gahz'rilla - Very slow and vulnerable to removal.
Gazlowe - Effect difficult to trigger, outclassed in mech decks.
Hemet Nesingwary - Extremely situational tech card.
Malorne - Slow card, outclassed by powercreep.
Mekgineer Thermaplugg* - Slow, situational card.
Mimiron's Head - Meme card, playable in experimental mech and quest decks.
Mogor the Ogre - Very unreliable card.
Trade Prince Gallywix - Slow card which sees very little play.
Troggzor the Earthinator - Sees very little play and is outclassed as a 7-drop. - Curse of Naxxramas
Maexxna - Outclassed by cheaper Poisonous beasts.
Wild ranking changelog, 2021 until now:
Shudderwock Tier 2 to 1
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Tier 1 to 2
Siamat Tier 2 to 3
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Tier 2 to 3
Vessina Tier 2 to 4
Dollmaster Dorian Tier 2 to 4
Sathrovarr Tier 2 to 4
Colossus of the Moon Tier 2 to 4
Face Collector Tier 4 to 5
Doctor Krastinov Removed from the Wild section
High Abbess Alura Tier 2 to 3
Captain Greenskin Tier 2 to 3
Princess Talanji Tier 4 to 5
Hakkar, the Soulflayer Tier 4 to 5
Swamp King Dred Tier 4 to 5
Ragnaros, Lightlord Tier 4 to 5
Bolvar Fordragon Tier 4 to 5
Myra Rotspring Tier 4 to 5
Medivh, the Guardian Tier 4 to 5
Wilfred Fizzlebang Tier 4 to 5
A couple of duplicate listings removed.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable To tier 3
Galakrond, the Tempest To tier 3
Silas Darkmoon Tier 2 to 3
Shudderwock Tier 3 to 2
Val'anyr Tier 1 to 2
Mecha'thun Tier 2 to 3
Lynessa Sunsorrow Tier 2 to 3
Chillmaw Tier 4 to 5
Soggoth the Slitherer Tier 4 to 5
The Amazing Reno To tier 3
Ysera, Unleashed To tier 3
The Fist of Ra-den To tier 4
Sky Gen'ral Kragg To tier 4
Grand Lackey Erkh To tier 5
Galakrond, the Wretched To tier 5
Brightwing Removed from the Wild section.
Taelan Fordring Tier 2 to 1
Lothraxion the Redeemed Tier 1 to 2
Valeera the Hollow Tier 4 to 2
Jandice Barov Tier 1 to 3
Valdris Felgorge Tier 2 to 3
Boommaster Flark Tier 3 to 4
The Storm Bringer Tier 2 to 4
Blademaster Samuro To tier 1
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder To tier 2
Val'anyr Tier 2 to 1
Deathwing, Mad Aspect To tier 4
Galakrond, the Nightmare To tier 4
Galakrond, the Unspeakable To tier 4
Mindflayer Kaahrj To tier 4
Zzeraku the Warped To tier 5
Kronx Dragonhoof To tier 3
Nozdormu the Timeless To tier 4
Making Mummies To tier 4
High Priest Amet To tier 4
Bazaar Burglary To tier 4
Sir Finley of the Sands To tier 4
Waxadred To tier 5
Nithogg To tier 5
Heistbaron Togwaggle To tier 3
Activate the Obelisk To tier 4
Vereesa Windrunner To tier 4
Corrupt the Waters To tier 4
Octosari To tier 4
Nozari To tier 5
Elise the Enlightened To tier 5
Raid the Sky Temple To tier 5
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn To tier 5
Hack the System To tier 5
King Phaoris Tier 3 to 4
Chef Nomi To tier 4
Keeper Stalladris To tier 4
Kalecgos To tier 3
Oblivitron To tier 4
Khadgar To tier 4
Zayle, Shadow Cloak To tier 4
Swampqueen Hagatha To tier 4
Arch-Villain Rafaam To tier 5
Tak Nozwhisker To tier 5
The Boom Reaver To tier 5
Sneed's Old Shredder Tier 3 to 4
Majordomo Executus Tier 5 to 4
Anka, the Buried To tier 4
Unseal the Vault To tier 4
Untapped Potential To tier 4
Myra's Unstable Element Tier 2 to 4
Madame Lazul To tier 3
Blastmaster Boom To tier 4
Brightwing To tier 4
Commander Rhyssa Tier 2 to 3
Supreme Archaeology Tier 3 to 4
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Tier 3 to 1
Nethrandamus To tier 3
Altruis the Outcast To tier 3
Alexstrasza To tier 2
Val'anyr Tier 3 to 2
Rin, the First Disciple Tier 2 to 4
Archivist Elysiana To tier 5
Lucentbark To tier 5
Bandersmosh To tier 5
Goru the Mightree To tier 5
Shu'ma To tier 5
Lady in White Tier 4 to 5
Lady in White Tier 4 to 5
Varden Dawngrasp To tier 2
Kingsbane Tier 1 to 3
Tamsin Roame To tier 2
Old Murk-Eye Tier 2 to 1
Reno the Relicologist Tier 1 to 2
Geosculptor Yip Tier 4 to 5
Toki, Time-Tinker Tier 4 to 5
King Togwaggle Tier 4 to 3
Feugen Tier 4 to 3
Stalagg Tier 4 to 3
Death Speaker Blackthorn To tier 3
Firemancer Flurgl To tier 1
Sindragosa Tier 2 to 4
Taelan Fordring To tier 2
Lord Jaraxxus Tier 5 to 4
Whizbang the Wonderful Tier 3 to 4
Mozaki, Master Duelist To tier 2
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound Tier 2 to 3
SN1P-SN4P Tier 2 to 3
Aya Blackpaw Tier 3 to 4
The Black Knight To tier 4
Tinkmaster Overspark To tier 4
Cairne Bloodhoof To tier 5
Cenarius To tier 5
Deathwing To tier 5
High Inquisitor Whitemane To tier 5
King Mukla To tier 5
Lord Jaraxxus To tier 5
Natalie Seline To tier 5
Onyxia To tier 5
Hogger To tier 5
Lorewalker Cho To tier 5
Millhouse Manastorm To tier 5
Nat Pagle To tier 5
Nozdormu To tier 5
Xavius To tier 5
The Beast To tier 5
The Caverns Below Tier 4 to 3
High Abbess Alura Tier 1 to 2
Archwitch Willow Tier 1 to 2
Speaker Gidra Tier 2 to 3
Floop's Glorious Gloop Tier 2 to 3
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Tier 1 to 3
Foe Reaper 4000 Tier 4 to 5
Recommended non legendary crafts for the Wild format:
Iv finally returned from my work trip, so im catching up on all the things that happened during this week. Wall of text inc :)
First of all, i would like to wish you good luck on your endeavor, i dont know you, i dont know how you got to be here, but i know it will be a challenge and a lot of work, we will see if you can deliver or not, one way or another.
That being said, you can consider this my official notice (even tho i am not a mod anymore already), since you like to communicate via article comments and not private messages so much. You said you contacted us, you did not (excluding Flux ofc).
It would have been really nice, id even say a honorable thing to do, to have been contacted and thanked for months and years of free work we, the voulanteer mods, did around here, if nothing else. Obviously we did it because we loved the community and wanted to help make a great site for everyone, us included. We didnt seek some kind of special recognition, but being demoted without a single word from the new management and having to read the explanation in the comment section is very poor management skills to say the least.
Anyway, i myself will be transferring to Out of Cards as far as my main focus and home base go from now on, but i plan on staying around here and keeping an eye on how you treat the site and its users and see if you do the job you set out to do. After all, monopoly is never a good thing and healthy competition is good for a customer :)
Cya, Sinti
Thanks everyone who participated in our competitions over the years. I always loved looking at cards you made, even tho i was sometimes a heavy critic, i always meant well :) I hope we will meet again in the future :)
Big CG to all the finalists of this season, lets crown the king one last time!
We've had a lot of meme Ragers that made it to finals over the years, but i must say i rly love the flavor of Nix's The Rage Within. And then there is Lathy's Shipwrecked Buccaneer! These two cards are my personal favourites :)
What he said.
Wow, i got to keep my unfinished draft! :D It didnt retire it as with finished drafts. This is very interesting. I will have to investigate further during next rotation what happens if you leave the draft unfinished. Will you be able to then finish the deck and keep some of the rotated cards in? Wouldnt even surprise me, if they overlooked this scenario. Guess we will see in 2 months :)
Yuck! Begone mill player! :D
I have a feeling that a winner will be Bob. How much do you wanna bet on it?:)
So far iv seen ppl report Lackey not gettin generated, Thuskar Totemic not generating tokens and Secrets not triggering.
"The patch should arrive sometime around 1 PM Eastern on June 3. That's 10 AM Pacific for the NA west coast and 7 PM CEST for the Europeans."
No exact info as of yet, but most likely it will be at these times, the standard blog time.
Yes, they actually confirmed it this time around that due to a bug with the countdown clock not telling you that the runs will be retired, they will award a Free Arena Ticket for unfinished runs. I mean we assumed they would do it anyways, but due to this bug they actually went ahead and made sure we know it. Tho if you didnt start a run yet, i doubt you will be able to do it now, arena entries are most likely closed already.
Not very straightforward. How i read it is you draw 3 more cards in your hand on T1 lol. It should probably read "You can add 3 more cards to your deck."