Millhouse Manastorm
Card Text
Battlecry: Enemy spells cost (0) next turn.
Flavor Text
"I'm gonna light you up, sweetcheeks!"
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Enemy spells cost (0) next turn.
"I'm gonna light you up, sweetcheeks!"
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Good 4/4 for 2 mana.
But his effect is kinda no offense weak.
But if opp doesnt have any spells next turn it could be great minion.
God help me, to win meme points on Reddit I dusted a bunch of rares and made a golden one. Then put it in my Murloc Shaman because it was a "tempo-play". The only game I won was the one where I didn't play Millhouse.
Worth it for the maymays? Probably not.
If you play Milhouse Manastorm, and then play Azalina Soulthief, do you get 0 mana spells or regular cost spells?
Regular, since you play azalina on your turn and your opponent's spells are only discounted on their turn.
Never thought I'd see the day when this is no longer considered the worst Legendary in the history of Hearthstone...
I think that spot goes to Harbinger Celestia. I love playing a 4 mana with the effect, "At the start of your opponent's turn, transform this minion into a 1/1"
The fact that this can be comboed with Rebuke and can be fetched with Call to Arms...
Millhouse Manastorm is actually PLAYABLE?
God help us all.
Not really PLAYABLE, but summonable yes.
Just realized that comboed with rebuke Millhouse is basically a Loatheb with 4s instead of 5s.
It is worse than Loatheb for a bunch of reasons though. One being it is a two card combo rather than a one card play and the other being it will make all of your opponents spells cost 5 (instead of 5 more) and I think a Druid will be pretty chuffed with a 5 mana Ultimate Infestation.
Rogue, Turn 1: Counterfeit Coin + Millhouse Manastorm
Mage, Turn 1: Pyroblast x 2 + Fireball x 2 for 32 damage turn 1.
maybe i should start keeping my pyroblasts in my opening hand to play around this play.
Waited for weeks opening about 1 classic pack a week from the brawl for my next classic legendary, hear GOLDEN LEGENDARY! and see Millhouse. Oh well just a few short weeks/months till my next one!
Is he even remotely playable? Ever?
Congrats on the free legendary of your choosing!
P R E P A R E T O F I G H T T H E M I G H T Y M I L L H O U S E M A N A S T O R M !
Well, today I opened this guy for the 3rd time (1st time after the new legendary rule). And I still don't have Ysera and Deathwing.
I'm keeping this motherfucker until I get all the playable classic legendaries.
no question immediate golden millhouse craft right away its a no brainer
I started in Un'Goro, so my first craft was Nat, the Darkfisher.
I wonder if there's an interesting synergy with Call to Arms. I'm sure we're all familiar with Cube Locks in the current meta cheating out Doom Guard via recruit mechanics, so I wonder if Manastorm might be a good candidate for an aggro deck.
When u pack ur first golden legendary and it's millhouse
Same here bro