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If you play Milhouse Manastorm and then play Azalina Soulthief, will the spells you get cost 0 mana or cost the original mana cost?
Original cost because it says 'your opponents spells, next turn'.
I'm surprised that noone gave enough respect to the tits.
I laugh at the noobs who thought this was bad.
Does it work vs Lich King (boss)? Can we get Frostmourne with that?
No, Lich King always draws Frostmorne turn 7.
King Togwaggle + Azalina Soulthief sure was unexpected
Gives base copies of hand cards btw, not buffed ones
Not anymore. It has changed to prepare for Boomsday.
Like Kngofnothing, I've been finding this card more useful than it seems on the surface. It really shines in aggressive Baku decks. I've originally put it in my Odd Paladin deck because I didn't have Divine Favor and needed some cards to play. I found that it made the deck much more competitive late-game despite being agro because I'd be able to stall the opponent or use their win condition against them. For example, HSReplay claims that the worst matchup for odd pally is Quest Warrior (https://hsreplay.net/archetypes/216/odd-paladin), but I've been finding them easy to deal with, often by stealing their Sulfuras after they play their last taunt.
Similarly, I put the card in my Odd Rogue deck and found that it helps when the game stalls late game. The opponent often has better board clears or taunts, and being able to turn that against them helps regain board control when it's lost. The card is like an emergency break, you don't use it often, but it's a life saver when you do.
This card won me so many games with Baku mage: Elise + Azalina is insane value, get rid of Baku + cards that draw to delay fatigue, fill your hand with powerful cards that your opponent is saving for late game and boardclears that usually don't get used against control decks in the midgame, high meme potential, steal your opponent win condition while knowing exactly what reactive cards he has, and more. Having said that not only this card is useful in the right deck but it feels so rewarding to find the perfect moment to slam Azalina, get rid of your junk (anti aggro, draw, techs, Baku etc) and get Gul'dan, Voidlord, Nether, Doll etc.
Because nothing quite says "Irony" than stealing a Warrior's Sulfuras after he completed his quest. (And then winning)
This is not just meme like Togwaggle. It's really good with Tess and against Cubelock and Shudderwock OTK.
If you're playing Tess Rogue for example, when you run out of tempo you can copy his hand, play demons and Gul'dan possibly and then replay them after with Tess.
great in baku aggro
Edit: this card is soooo good i love it
I love the art of this card. It's taunting. Makes me wanna play meme decks
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this will surprise people by getting played. Not in many decks, probably only 1 aggressive/burst deck, but as a poor man's Divine Favor it could get the job done. This is providing there is a different popular deck in the meta that has cards you want to copy from, maybe some kind of OTK shaman that people have been theorycrafting.
control decks = ashmore
tempo decks = azalina
This card might be a great addition to my Big Druid in wild. Just imagine this:
Dump your hand with astral comunion turn 3/4, turn 5 draw Azalina. Suddenly you have your opponents hand but with 6 more mana available.
Sounds great to me