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still not nerfed btw most worthIess dev team of all time btw
the devs clearly want druid to remain a degenerates dream in wild otherwise they wouldve nerfed this bs long ago
endless card draw endless mana endless armor gain endless mana cheat.. what a great experience for the playerbase to be faced with.. great choices devs!
its funny how this card has never been nerfed. really goes to show you how the devs truly know nothing of their own game they clearly dont even play hearthstone
Puuh pretty dang insane. Can give way too much mana.
On T4 (wild): OTK by drawing whole deck in one turn, swapping my deck to empty one, and forcing me to draw 6 cards (21) and +3 cards on start of mine. Used 19 mana and drew like 25 cards. Yes everything matched but it is not too hard to get good draws in the end.
seems balanced eh? i just had another match where a druid player spammed endless card draw and mana,, fun fun! isnt it insane how they really nerfed some cards in wild only to allow floops gloop to remain the same? brainless dev things
"shouldve ran dirty rats"
- some noob
there can be no way that the devs cant see that this is a problematic broken piece of sht card unless they dont even play the fking game? WHERES THE NERF AT?
20 mana turns for druid are not enough he needs 34 ABSOLUTELY BROKEN AF
I love that name!
I absolutely love the art on this card! it reminds me of fruit ninja!
Regardless of whether or not it takes off in this meta, it WILL at some point be broken. If at any point druid gets an efficient clear (think Poison Seeds in wild) then this card becomes "clear the enemy board for zero mana" which is just asking for massive board swings.
10000% correct and here we are today absolutely broken bs
It works PERFECTLY with Living Mana. It's possible to gain at least 8 mana off of this one card when using those two together.
I love Druid and I unpacked a golden version of this, but I'm strongly tempted to dust it for a gimmick deck legendary.
It feels extremely situational at best, and having only one makes building a deck around it pretty inconsistent.
I've been trying a Wild deck with minions that summon multiple minions, mostly via deathrattle, and it hasn't really payed off. At best I play a Volcanic Drake or Volcanic Lumberer early and hope they don't get removed, which can be powerful but it takes a very specific scenario and it's one hard removal away from being meh.
If anyone else finds a good use for this, I'd like to hear it.
Actually, it's anything BUT situational. It's actually an extremely convenient card, especially in token decks that have you trading on the board constantly. I run this in a Tree Druid deck that I have been using, and it combos really well with Living Mana.
I may have to look up a good tree deck, then.
I dont get the correlation between art and effect... is it some kind of Magin Boo reference where foes turn into food?
Edit: The flavor text also points that way...
This is actually pretty bad. Only token can actually use this efficiently. At that, can token actually get anything out of this?
Picture this; You're at 7 mana with 5 Scarab Beetles, all at 3 hp, and vs two damaged Flame Imps and two 3/3 Happy Ghouls. You can play this spell, and have up to 11 mana in one turn. So what can you actually do with that 11 mana? You can Wispering Woods into Branching Paths and maybe some Soul of the Forest if you had an extra scarab. Now that, that's an insane turn. You just need 3 specific cards in your hand (not including this card), Spreading Plague the previous turn, and your enemy had to play into Spreading Plague on curve.
The stars have to align perfectly and your opponent had to play terribly. There is no way you're getting this lucky every time, and honestly this card becomes dead at 10 mana. You can't use this to make lethal, only two turn lethal. You can't make any OTK out of this unless you're still insane and happen to have every OTK piece, play Plague last turn with a full board and then Malygos into Prince Taldaram into Moonfire while being able to kill every Scarab on your turn and not having your opponent kill ANY first but damaging them enough that they'll die to any trades on board. Again, this is ridiculous. You can replace "Plague" with Wispering Woods and "Scarabs" with "Wisps", it won't change the odds of this actually happening.
Of all the impossible combos these Legendaries have introduced, this might be the worst of the bunch. I'm relieved to see that Druid cards are all very flashy and insane looking but in practice might be horrible, at least most of the cards.
Only If druid had an insane 10 mana cost spell that would draw 5 cards :/
Isn`t it a reference to "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" ?