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BEHOLD: The duality of blizzard
It is amazing how they can print powerful yet fun and (kinda) fair cards like this one that require a deck to be built around them (not as much as something like Reno Jackson but still you have to warp your deck quite a bit) and that are strong winconditions WITHOUT autowinning the game after being played and WITHOUT shutting down any achetype....and then they also print ballsflappingly stupid BS like shitheadtus that acts as a middle finger to any reactive deck.
Whats the point of this kind of toxic cards? To make people quit the game and never return?
Since this card came out, all wild warlocks play the same boring deck with mana traps of different variations.
Actually, I'd argue that Skull of the Man'ari and Voidcaller (other similar cards do exist but these are the ones they currently run) are the ones to blame for the popularity of any "big demon" variant be it reno,cubes or whatever. I can assure you that without these insane earlygame manacheating cards any deck built around Bloodreaver Gul'dan would be perfectly fine
This was what made Warlock great again...
People complain about this card when this Meta is full of vast removals. I've won against 3 Bloodreavers and 2 N'Zoths in a single game.
Take Plague of Death for instance...
🗹 Gain 5 armor
🗹 Upgrade hero power
🗹 Have constant lifesteal
🗹 Be able to hit any target for 3 damage almost unconditionally
🗹 Fill your board with minions (regardless of their mana cost)
Woooaaaaah, costs a whopping 10 mana? PLEASE BUFF THIS CARD!
Ya'll think that once it rotates to wild, you'll never see it again
Jokes on you, this will always be one of the most powerful cards ever printed
This card isn't going anywhere. Blizzard will just let it rotate out of standard and continue to be an oppressive card, just like deathstalker rexxar. They might nerf it in a couple more expansions, just after people have gotten all their use out if it :/
It's still beyond stupid how this card has not gotten any nerfs for 2 years straight. It's one of the best, if not the best card in the entire game.
Freakin 65% after play winrate. That's about the highest of all cards that are not part of some elaborate setup or OTK.
I'm going to miss this card so much in next year.
Still the most overpowered card in Hearthstone, without question. Obviously the battlecry is extremely strong and I would say superior to N'zoth, but for now just look at the fact that it changes your hero power to: "3 damage to ANY target with lifesteal". If there were a card that cost 2 mana and had this ability (Darkbomb with lifesteal), essentially every deck of every class would include it... With Bloodreaver Gul'dan, you effectively get this overpowered card every turn in the late game, and you still get to draw a card each turn.
None of the other death knight hero abilities would be auto-include if they were stand-alone cards (Jaina being the closest I would say). Now think again about how it also has the strongest battlecry out of all the death knight cards.
Who took forever? Why? Because Warlock is the second to last hero I play. I use my dust to craft cards I will use the most, not the least. Simple logic my friend.
This might be fair if it set the Warlock's health to 15 and didn't give armor, like Jarraxus.
Or if it was "Discover a friendly demon that died this game, then re-summon it."
Winning with a one card power play is really cancerous for the game.
You could play him after Lord Jarraxus... he cost me 1600 dust after all ;)
Your comment was funny (and true), I was just being silly because it took me forever to craft him and I don<t really use it that much :)
This is straight up broken, just look at his hero power!
And imagine me when I got it in my first KoTF pack, for FREE!!!!
Jarraxus who?