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Should i dust this, never playin pali anyway ....
Now that Platebreaker exists you should dust it
Best card vs alextraza
if you could somehow give this lifesteal before it's battlecry went off do you think it'd heal you back after giving you the armor?
No, because Thekal is not attacking you, his battlecry gets rid of your health and replaces it with armor.
But any card that has lifesteal and an additional effect that does damage heals you.
Sadly it's impossible to give something in your hand lifesteal. Not since Illidan was changed to Xavius who summons a card after the card is played.
But I think I remember you could have played a targeted buff spell directly onto a minion in your hand if:
You play Elixir of Life from Unidentified Elixir onto an already played Thekal;
Old Illidan Stormrage triggers, summoning a flame of azzinoth
Knife Jugglers trigger, killing Explosive Sheep, wiping the board of everything except Thekal
Anub'ar Ambusher;s deathrattle triggers, returning Thekal to your hand
Elixir of Life finally triggers, hitting thekal who is in your hand.
Play it!
I hope this has already been done and is on Youtube somewhere
"and an additional effect that does damage" Please pay attention, Thekal does NOT do damage, it REPLACES health with armor. Lifesteal only triggers from dealing damage, which Thekal's battlecry does not do.
And you've tested this with things that do something when your hero takes damage? If you tell me you've tested or seen any interaction, or lack thereof, I'll believe you, but if your argument is by card-text alone? 'Everyone knows that many cards have text inconsistent with their actual effect.
For example Khadgar: going by his text, Piloted Shredder should summon 2 random 2-cost minions. But that's not what happens; it summons 2 of the same random 2-drop And you can see in-game that it's not an aura, like Brann Bronzebeard. Khadgar has the lightning symbol, and it glows whenever you play such a card. What he does, and what he should say, is "Whenever your cards summon a minion, summon a copy". I've also seen that when you play him after another card that buffs minions summoned, khadgar summons a copy of the buffed minion, which will then be buffed again.
In conclusion: Unless you've actually seen Thekal played near another card that triggers when you damage your hero, you don't have the right to say I'm not paying attention.
Have you seen his interaction with Time Out!? Can you tell me what happens?
Yes! I got him!!!
This guy not only has one but two infinity gauntlets.
Turn 3 : Devolve + High Priest Thekal = Doomsayer (Rank 0 Legend !)
Wait how is he a priest if he's a paladin card?
Well this is awkward...
High Priestess Jeklik is also a priest, and yet a warlock card
A nice addition to handbuff Paladin when you're playing massive Corpsetakers, Vicious Scalehides, and Wickerflame Burnbristle.
you The guy she told you not to worry about
Sorry, I knew this joke has already been made (shout-out to Arachnidius for providing the idea), but I couldn't resist.
Will revisit after the whole set is out, but I'm extremely excited to hope that Midrange/Control Paladin might be a thing again.