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The only reason they let Mage be the only class with 2 highlander cards was that this card is so underwhelming.
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Finally got it(from the pack)!
So the thing is I just packed a golden one of her. Seriously don't know what I'm gonna do with it. Seems like a decent card, but I think I'd rather have the dust. Just want to make sure if she even is good before I dust her? Little help?
She's decent in N'zoth kazakus mage, but i would definitely disenchant her.
Even if she's not a staple in Reno mage decks she's such a cool card and can provide very good tempo swings. Definitely a fun card to play with so my suggestion is go ahead. Also the card feels so unique because not many people run Solia and that makes her even more special. Not to mention the awesome art and the good entrance. :)
thanks J. Ejsing & E. Amundsen for great artwork!
I have all the cards you would put in a reno mage deck and yet inkmaster solia still can't make the cut. Even if you were gonna run a spell based one with medivh, she just isn't good enough. I haven't dusted her because she might be worth keeping one day, but there are no situations where you've played kazakus, taken a 10 mana spell, and had inkmaster solia on turn 7 and had an opportunity to play her. Very weak card that appears incredibly strong.
I play a Reno mage and this card could be useful to get rid of huge spells you often get from babbling book, cabalist's tome, etc that sometimes you don't know how to play without lose tempo. I'd like to craft Solia but losing Reno really makes me wonder how this deck will survive any aggressive deck in the near future. Once you past rank 15 aggro decks destroy you if you don't Reno as soon as you can quite often :/
Of course the right cards could save Solia from Wild but it's hard to tell now.
Two weeks later, even silly people now understand this card is extremely weak, and cherry-picked like comboing her with Pyroblast won't change anything on that. Two mediocre cards could never become a foundation of a great deck.
This card is only useful for playing Kazukus's 10 cost spell.
It still affects one spell only. Your next spell costs 0, then it costs 0 again because you can't cast a spell between the two battlecries.
Oh my God... (O_O )
This card, oh man I first thought this card was absolute trash, til I started playing about 30 games with this card. Most of the time, I have used Kazakus for the 10 mana potion, and then used Inkmaster Solia to turn the tempo tide to gaining the board and having a 5/5 minion on board. Not mention using board clears and then playing this minion for tempo gain, and possibly winning the game.
Absolutely strong, dont underestimate this legendary, cause it can WIN you games! :D