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Stealthcan't be targeted that why the player can give it +3/+3 I guess healing AND buffing isn't targeting it
Dude, when playing cloning gallery and it pulls out Spirit of the Dead with it, if they board clear you get Nothing, because you spirits are death too!
Well I am in the future and this was a bad card
Spirit of the Dead + Greater Diamond Spellstone = a very unhappy opponent
Seems to gimmicky to me... I dunno. The combo seems cool but very unreliable. Spirit of the Dead on board into Zerek's Cloning Gallery with what, Wild Pyromancer to kill them all? Or hope your opponent does. Then you draw them with Bwonsamdi, the Dead and play Princess Talanji to cheat them out? Too much work..
Dude, playing cloning gallery pulls out Spirit of the Dead with it, if they board clear you get all of your minions back into your deck for 1 and can draw them with Bwonsamdi, the Dead. That by itself is VERY strong. Princess Talanji could not only be used with that combo, but also by itself with Seance. I am hyped!
You don't need to cheat them out with Princess Talanji—they all cost 1 mana. It's actually more expensive to play her.
I feel like people are just too focussed on getting a combo out of this. What's the problem with just playing it for value? Take something like Elise, Trailblazer, any decent deathrattle minion or the occasional Amara. You can just run one copy of this alongside Bwonsamdi, who is good enough on his own with Priests regular 1-drops.
just getting any decent value minion again in 1-drop form is enough to warrant runnning this, simply because playing Bwonsamdi is already a big upside by himself
Neat card for a cloning lab value combo, still...not that great.
this would somewhat strong in Big Priest to be played with Zerek's Cloning Gallery. Too slow in rest
Maybe synergy with the Test Subject/Boar deck. Whenever the Test Subject dies you will have your spells back and another subject in the deck.
Well, yes it seems it is yet another hard to combo Priest card...
I think it will not work because the echo adds the card with its real cost to your hand - i.e. the first Militia will cost 1 but the next (i.e. the echo) will cost 3 mana.
Well, I did small research and in the Notes section of the Echo page in the Hearthstone Wiki is written:
"Echoed copies are always the original version of the card."
Well, at least if you shuffle 1 cost Militia then you can play 4 Militias for 10 mana which is 4 taunts and 8/16 in stats - not so bad.
This + board clear then Surrender to madness might actually work...
The problem is that the three main priest board clears atm, Duskbreaker, Psychic Scream and Circle of Healing+Auchenai Soulpriest, have anti-synergy with this card.
Well, you can kill Velen for 10 mana (i.e. no need for Coin) by play the Spirit (1) + Velen (7) + Holy Smite (1) + Holy Smite (1).
The hard part of combo'ing with Bwonsamdi, the Dead willl be drawing Bwonsamdi, the Dead before you flood your deck with so many one cost minions that you never draw him before your portrait explodes.
Don't need to be complicated with combos. Just use this and kill 1 or 2 minions it's already value town.