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this is unofficially the mage-equivalent of Mass Resurrection...how this broken card has remain unnerfed for 18+ months is beyond me. I don't play often but when I do play against mage and they deck Conjurer's Calling--it swings the tide of battle EVERY TIME!! At 4-mana, producing up to 20-mana's worth and twinspelling at that?? Nope--not broken.
The whole concept of "standard" card sets is rendered negligible when broken cards persist. Look at the cretins bragging about how they can swing games with this card alone.
Last time this was played on me i had the upper hand all game and then they got a deathwing, living monumentx2, and kalecgos from having 2 copies very fun
Shouldn't be able to target Minions with more than 2 or 3 attack.
Maybe they should nerf this card removing the Twinspell or adding something like "of the same cost and same health splitted between them".
Right now is a very aggressive spell with an impact higher than its cost.
Can you delete this cancerous card?? Remove the 'Twinspell' cause its ridiculous......
I don't know how to defeat a mage when his boobs use this spell.
Wow this shitty Card still exist in Arena, so much fun... thanks Blizzard.
This card completely ruins the arena experience. No matter what you do, someone shows up with a conjurer's calling on turn 6 and destroys you with his only damaged minion he has on the board.
Just used this on 10/10 Pyros, got Kalecgos and Deathwing. Opponent (Bloodreaver Lock) conceded on the spot.
This has an excellent synergy with Anomalus.
Except 8+3 is not equal to 10 lol. It would requires Emperor or coin, and even then it's a super late game clear in wild. Typically you die long before that.
Most easiest 12-0 wins with mage ever. 4 Conjurer's Calling did the job.
Even playing it on turn 5 on a damaged 4 trash drop I got 2 Chillwind Yeti for 3 mana lol. Games were over before we even had reached turn 10. So you cant clear this Boulderfist Ogre? Surprise Savannah Highmane, Cairne Bloodhoof and Safeguard next turn
Gotta farm more gold.
My most favourite arena card at the moment.
Instant pick, even if have other option like flame strike and firelands portal.
This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!
This card brings finnaly true skill back in arena. You might ask; How does this guy know? Behold this wisdom
When I pick this card I finnaly get more than 1 win each arena run and average at 3 so it is completely balanced, since 3 wins should be average in arena.
Stop complain, this card is completely fine. when you have no minions this card is useless so it is a situational card only. Look how balanced my board is, as it should be.
Many other comments here state that Conjurer's Calling is a broken card, especially in arena. Well, here's my proof:
My opponent high-rolled with Faceless Summoner getting arguably the best three drop possible. In the process I fell behind on board, and was not able to clear my opponent's board on my turn. I proceed to lose to a card that costs three mana and says, "If you are ahead on board, win the game." I mean the card should simply be nerfed to at least four mana.
I feel that the card is also problematic with Mountain Giant/Sea Giant. At three mana, it's far too easy to destroy people in constructed with this combo, especially while Grave Horror is at twelve mana. Honestly, Blizzard could make Conjurer's Calling four mana and just change the cost of Grave Horror by one mana (up or down), and everything would be fine.
Edit: More Salt
Sigh...just another case of Conjurer's Calling instantly winning someone the game; the turn prior my opponent Conjurer's Callinged a Tunnel Blaster setting my minion to two health. Opponent gets Baron Geddon and Chef Nomi, then immediately emotes me (Baron was huge high roll). I wasn't able to clear Chef, and because of that, I lost the game. (Opponent casually got Archmage Antonidas off the next Conjurer's Calling.)
This card REALLY needs to be banned in the upcoming arena format. The twinspell is really what makes it absurd, but I also think the text on the card is bonkers too. Mage has never had this type of card where you destroy a minion and get a huge tempo swing on your side of the board. I think I had a 12 win deck, but you can't win against this much value from Conjurer's Calling. Compare Conjurer's Calling to Flamestrike (or Blizzard); these Aoe cards swing the board in a huge way, but the obvious downside is that you ideally only have three (or four) mana left to spend. These cards can be played around by simply value trading to prevent them from retaining a board. Contrarily, for one to say that Conjurer's Calling can be played around would merely be preposterous due to how versatile and cheap the card is.
Nor can you win against: Priest T1 Northshire Cleric T2 The Coin into Kabal Talonpriest T3 Faceless Rager for a 5-6. I've never conceded so fast, lmao.
Seriously though, Faceless Summoner used to be banned from arena and it's been back. The card is a bit OP because it's roughly a 7 mana play for 6, but that card cannot even compare to the value generated by Conjurer's Calling. Of course, the only drawback of Conjurer's Calling is that it requires you to have a board. However, in arena, everyone knows it is a tempo-oriented style of play, rather than a reactive/control style, so odds are, mages will have a big minion survive eventually.
This insane-valued card ruins the arena. It just rekts it completly. All you need to draft for easy 12 wins are 3+ Conjurer's Callings. I hate that card so much and i am looking forward for this card being nerfed. The average value of a single use it provides is about 5.4 mana. And it may provide it twice in a single turn. This can be used to replace bad or damaged minions, for example, Doppelgangster, Big-Time Racketeer, Bomb Squad, and a lot more minions like these. Too strong for arena. Should be nerfed and banned on arena permanently. Like several other cards that just breaks down the arena.
Completely agree, it was a long time since i played arena last time , i just did some runs recently and this card alone made me not want to keep playing, one of the games my opponent even had Sorcerer apprentice, mirror image and cyclone combo like constructed, it was very frustrating there is nothing you can do about it.
Disgustingly strong, though to claim that Blizzard intended for the card to be used the way it has been abused is dubious at best. Note: Anything written in this post will only be considering Standard, as I do not play Wild, and therefore it would be stupid for me to write about this card’s viability in Wild.
The incredible synergy with a 3 mana Mountain Giant and this card grants you, at minimum, a combined stat total of 14/16 (2 Grave Horrors, each with Taunt, or 16/16 (2 Mountain Giants), which can also be given Taunt later with cards like Sunfury Protector (though by no means am I suggesting Sunfury Protector is an absolute must with Hand Mage).
This card has especially shone in Decks like Dragon Mage, which has garnered an average win-rate of 53.7% (source: HSReplay), which by itself is nothing to scoff at and the Deck itself has landed its much deserved (or underserved, if you prefer) spot as a tier 2 Deck, notably the only Mage Deck in that tier. Although it wouldn’t be completely accurate to suggest this card is the single reason for the Deck to reach that tier, I am suggesting that this card is involved in the strongest combo the Deck has to offer, which is impressive considering the wide range of potent plays the Deck can make, such as Khadgar and Astromancer when you have a formidably large hand. This is because, for the low cost of just 8 mana, you can use this card with Khadgar and the aforementioned combo with Mountain Giant to produce a minimum stat-line of 28/32 spread across 4 minions, each with Taunt (Grave Horrors), or 32/32 (4 Mountain Giant), and then attack face with all 4 only to refill the board with the extra copy of this card you get via Twinspell. The first thought coming to mind regarding this is ‘Ok, I’ll just use Brawl or Hagatha’s Scheme to clear these big threats, before the opponent has a chance to refill their board, to which my counter would be: What about other classes? Hunters, Druids, Warlocks, Paladins, Priests, and even other Mages currently lack any efficient AoE to deal with such a board, and Rogues could only effectively deal with this board if they’re lucky and get a Brawl from Hench-Clan Burglar, or equivalent. Simply put: 8 mana should not be able to decide the game so easily, or be able to give you such a huge tempo swing, whether you needed it or not.
The reason I think this card should be the target of a nerf is it would remove the degenerate combos with Dragon Mage, without killing the deck it is played in as they can still produce a 3 mana 8/8 with ease, which isn’t bad, makes room for less played cards such as Archmage Arugal, and can still make efficient 4 mana plays with the likes of Twilight Drake, and even some late-game plays with Astromancer.
So, the real question: How do you nerf this? There are a few methods, but I believe there is one method that could do it most effectively without ruining the card:
A mana change. This, in my opinion, is the worst way to go about nerfing Conjurer’s Calling. Increasing this card’s cost by 1 or even 2 still makes the combo I mentioned earlier possible, though less desirable, and an increase of 3 mana is undoubtedly excessive.
Removing Twinspell. Although this would definitely help in reducing the card’s strength, it is still not dealing with the combo I mentioned earlier, and is removing the unique keyword this set has to offer. It also removes the part about Mages that makes it one of the ‘good’ classes (meaning one of the classes opposing E.V.I.L.).
The third method (and in my opinion the best option) is changing ‘Destroy a minion’ to ‘Destroy an ENEMY minion’. This allows you to punish players who abuse beefy Edwin VanCleefs, whilst maintaining the Twinspell aspect of the card and keeping it at a fair mana cost, considering what the card can do.