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Almost like the new Gather Your Party except you replace the minion. I could see it used in big priest maybe? who knows!!
did anyone find a good use of this shitty card? I don't want to dis it
38 packs opened until I got my first legendary from MSoG. And I got this crap...
goya is a solid card in control shaman which is a very popular deck in high legend.
This feels like a cool idea that was simply overcosted/ understated.
The entire benefit of her effect would be cheesing out something big, so having to play her as a sub-standard 6 drop for a chance at that makes her gimmicky in decks that aren't gimmickly built around her.
I wonder if making her a 6 mana 4/6 like Reno Jackson would be a good change. Both require a lot of building around them to work, but have potentially very powerful effects.
Even then, she seems like she'd be weaker than Jackson with less consistency and a mostly dead draw later due to the weak minion going to the deck.
And even when she plays a massive beater in exchange for a wisp, one still has to face the extra RNG of whether or not the opponent has a kill spell.
This comment section is better than the card.
Blizz should have print her with better stats. It is pretty understatted for a legendary with such a wierd effect.
So bad stats, such high cost.
And only works in crappy gimmicky deck.
Dang it. I got a Golden Madam Goya, kind of wondered why I never saw it in play, but was really excited, but after reading this I'm disappointed. I'll keep it though, maybe it'll get nerfed someday.
Sorry to break it to you, but this card is so terrible that it will NEVER be NERFED.
Has anyone had success with her?
Get from rank 17 to 12 with this list with few losses, have to play more to see how far I can go with it. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/718274-madam-goya-druid
That looks really fun. I wish I had Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. I feel like he is probably important to this deck.
It is fun! Shame that you don't have that Y'Shaarj, because he is the best creature to combo with Goya. Also very nice card to play after board clear. Y'shaarj is not very useful legendary overall, had seen it only in some rare ramp or astral druid decks.
Made one game play video for those who are interested, got very lucky in this one.
so i just got this from a pack, from what i see/read its total dust i guess.
So I got downvoted to hell saying this card suck, saw this card exactly 0 times being played.
Not even a trolden video.. 0 footage of this card and yet 50% of the voters didn't think this card is insanely bad
It is as insanely bad as any card that you have to build the whole deck around... Wait... Reno?
Reno is different the effect is really strong and you don't need tonnes of support to play him with this you need like only play token spells and big legendaries which their stats matter or they are ragnaros/sylvanas but then.. why not just play sylvannas/rag instead of a 6 mana 4/3 that kills a minion (tempowise at least) and then summons a random one from your deck I think it would only be good if you could choose the minion to get.. otherwise why not just play it?
She should be a 5 drop, right now she's way to overcosted to be playable even in funky decks.