Choose the cost, and then two different effects. Three discovers total.
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Sooo, I got Kazakus in the wild bundle. Guess I'm sort of obligated to make a wild deck now with such a meta-defining card.
So much value in this card it's unbelieveble :O
Without a doubt my favorite card in the game. Sheer breadth of options can really challenge you to think hard and makes every game just a bit different. Even though the 5 cost potion is the most solid one, I love exploring my options with the 10 mana potion and especially the 1 mana one. That little bugger can create such a tempo swing or save you in a pinch.
This is probably the closest we'll get to a really complicated card (on it's own) in HS, I don't see them making something similar too soon.
*Laughs in Zephrys*
Yes, in Wild, Reno decks do ok without Kazak.
Is highlander priest viable now? Should i craft raza and kazakus? (i can only craft two legendaries)
yes, this deck is really good atm
Hi Priest player with Shadowreaper Anduin
are you looking for the great return of Kazakus comment?
Because Kazakus doesn't care what is in your hand, only the remaining deck. There were no more duplicate cards left in the remaining deck, and so the card probably had the orange outline to tell them it would trigger the battlecry if played.
My fav. legendary!
Some decks wouldn't be anything without this.
Can someone explain how his potion work. It reads "Transform a random enemy minion into a 1/1 Sheep. Summon 2 friendly minions that died this game." There are 2 minions on my side and kazakus on enemy side. He polymorph my Ragnaros and somehow he summon Ragnaros on his side even though he never summon it. How come it summon enemy minions?
He had to have summoned Rag for the potion to work and summon a Rag for him; that spell can't summon enemy minions. Unless I'm missing something here.
I got a black one today, too bad I already had crafted a normal one
i think Icecap is too weak and should be 1/3/all enemy minions.
Can't wait for Reno and Brann to rotate out so I will never have to play against this cancerous little fuck with his fun and interactive potions ever again.