The Seals
The Demons
Summon: Ered'achor! Havik! Galar!
Attack: Shaza-kiel!
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lol this card today
LOL @ 55.9% of the community thinking this was a bad card.
But to be fair, I did for awhile too.
Mana Bind on the Final Seal
This happened to me. RIP
Having said that Rin is my favorite card in Hearthstone, so happy I didn't listen to the commentators when KnC came out
poggers! ^-^
I hate this card. It's absolutely awful. Put other control decks on a timer in a deck that destroys aggro. Totally ridiculous, and requires nothing but one other card to pull off.
If you ever try a demon control deck by urself you would take your word back. Rin, the First Disciple is not a Guarantee ticket, and it can be countered, silent & transformed. Furthermore, you have to play Azari, the Devourer for triggering its battlecry which mean you have to give up another powerful card SKULL OF THE MAN’ARI since two mechanics conflict each other.
Those cheap, dirty aggro deck is as good as dead. We don't want another brainless quest Rogue on the show.
Well if you're any good at control lock, you often need to ensure that you only play Rin when you can immediately destroy her, typically turn 7 with dark pact, and especially against control decks (particularly the polymorphing classes, mage and shaman).
Is that difficult to do? Play on turn 7?
Against a reactive control deck, it's not that difficult. And it has a pretty major effect if it burns 8 or so cards and then someone plays Guldan.
I bitched the other day about Kingsbane.
Nope. Not anymore.
I'd rather die to a 14A KB than to have to auto-concede after Azari, the Devourer shows up.
It seems ridiculous and slow to pull off, but it is really effective when dealing with poop-slow control decks like Big Priest.
I will miss Rin + Medivh, the Guardian synergy like hell with the next rotation, though!
good card .
Told ya so.
what a big boy. your mom must be very proud! here's your golden star ☆
If you record her saying her quote backwards you here something like: Gedon, mish-masher, shredder
Just as I expected, this card is a ace in the hole in control matchups. The feeling I had the other day when a Raza Priest desperately played Velen for Tempo and Dragonfired an Acolyte to try to get his dk right before I ate his deck... Priceless stuff.
Not only playable after being labeled as 400 Dust, this is by far the most enjoyable card to play in a whole game. (If you aren't on the receiving end, that is.)