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Trademaster Shaw
OMg....... guys i've just discovered that this is Tommy Wiseau on the picture.
Hi doggie.
I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not!
Oh hi, Mark
Amazing card in any Hunter deck that isn't super aggro. Having a blast with him in Wild Play Dead Cube deck.
Who would win: an insane 10 mana legendary combo with Necrotic Geist able to destroy board of any size including deathrattles and a Deathwing OR literally a Goldshire Footman
explain plz
Play Shaw+Geist, trade a different minion into an enemy. Repeat with ghouls until board is dead.
Other, actually PLAYED cockblocks are Paladudes, Righteous Protector, Stonehill Defender, and Voidwalkers
So if you play this and then a charge minion, can you go face with it? Is this effect overriden by charge? Or is it the other way around?
Charge will work normally.
Legit I swear this is gonna be the sleeper card of the set. Gonna be extremely solid and 1 of in most Hunter decks.
5 Star card for me
1 in most Hunter decks LUL
this card is very well designed. its perfectly balanced and decent.
This shouldn't be legendary, if you want to make a deck around this card you need 2 copies in your deck.
Pulling this with Master Oakheart is so good you don't have to pull it in the right order. Call of the Wild is rotating out but Master Oakheart + Houndmaster Shaw can potentially give you more value when behind on board.
Pull Toxmonger with Master Oakheart in the right order and you will getNevermind Toxmonger say when you play not summon but can still be a decent pull.This card plus Necrotic Geist is insane. If you have at least one minion on board, you spend 10 mana for both and get a full board clear and have decent stats left on the board. I think this combo will be used in a control-hunter deck, if such a deck comes into the meta.
Doesn't work against a board of weak minions though, like dudeadin.
Hunter is going to become SO (fairly) FUNNY NOW!
Honestly, Control Hunter is just a few small tools away from being completely viable. The 4/6 body is comparable to Fandral Staghelm, with a "similar" effect that if left on the board can be dangerous. A few more control style cards could make this card very effective, will have to wait and see.