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Seems OP in Demon Hunter
Why hasn't this card and Murkspark Eel been updated to Hall of Fame?
Finally! Get the hell out of standard annoying card. Thank you, you certainly won't be missed.
really wondering if the 1200 dust are worth crafting this golden
I love playing the Odd decks with Baku the Mooneater, so I'm considering branching out and crafting this to try some Even decks. Is it worth it? Is it a fun synergy to play with?
Absolutely nowhere near as powerful- the difference between, say, 1 mana for 1 Silver Hand Recruit and 2 mana for 2 Silver Hand Recruits is far more substantial than you'd expect at a glance. Some classes will enjoy the mana efficiency it gives them, but considering Baku typically gives the same exchange rate- if not better a lot of the time- Genn is less a counter-balance to Baku and more a novelty sideshow to the main attraction.
Depends on your class. Warlock and Paladin are both good with the 1-mana hero power (for extra card draw and board presence, not to mention that they have good even options to begin with), and Even Shaman may or may not still be a thing after the Flametongue Totem nerf. I haven't really seen Genn get much play with the other six classes, but if you play Pally or Warlock, definitely give him a shot. He'll probably end up being a Warlock-only card in Standard after the next rotation, although Even Rogue is pretty close to being playable.
i think they gave the text 'starting' to avoid Shadowreaper Anduin from maybe being a thing again.
The moment you realize Genn Greymane and Darius Crowley can't exist in the same deck.
I don't understand the coorelation between the 2 cards..plz explain
I am not too familiar in WoW lore, but I assume they are both important worgen characters in Gilneas.
Greymane is king of Gilneas (basically the worgen as a whole), and Darius is pretty much the closest thing he has to a right-hand man.
Darius Crowley was the leader of the Northgate Rebellion, an uprising against King Genn Greymane by Gilneans who opposed his decision to build the Greymane Wall. For this, he was imprisoned until the events of Cataclysm.
Not the hero that Handlock asked for, but the one it needed all along. <3
I'm legitimately confused- how is "Spend 1 mana, lose 2 health, draw one card" better than "spend 2 mana, draw one card"?
1-mana Life Tap makes a bigger difference than you'd expect, especially if you're going second and get to drop a Mountain Giant on turn 3. It lets you tap more consistently to dig for your good cards while setting up Hooked Reaver and Twilight Drake. Also, Warlock can function perfectly well with only their even cost cards since their good board control options (Defile, Hellfire, Spellstone) are even anyway. Basically, it turns Handlock into a more tempo-based deck that can put out more pressure throughout the game than the classic control build.
Also, Even Warlock's been in the meta for like the entire year, so that should say something.
Great. A day after the even pally nerf I pull this guy out of a pack -.-
well, you can still use him :D even shaman is fun.
Even shaman is actually insane in wild, I love this card. 1 mana totems are better than they sound. It's all right in standard, but I hope they release some card like Thing from Below which benefits from summoning totems.
For Gilneas!