High Priest Amet
Card Text
Whenever you summon a
minion, set its Health equal
to this minion's.
Flavor Text
All minions are equal, but some minions are more equal than others.
Whenever you summon a
minion, set its Health equal
to this minion's.
All minions are equal, but some minions are more equal than others.
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"All minions are equal, but some minions are more equal than others." Animal Farm, George Orwell. Great book, give a look!
Zerek's Cloning Gallery, Dollmaster Dorian, Imp Master, Green Jelly, Shrieking Shroom, Violet Teacher, Herald Volazj, Sand Drudge, Wrapped Golem, Psychopomp, Mirage Caller, The Voraxx, any Reborn minion, etc.
There's also the Spirit of the Dead + Bwonsamdi, the Dead + Princess Talanji combo.
So Snip-Snip combos in a really fun way with this big boy
Card is bugged. If you play Injured Blademaster with Amet, the Blademaster dies. Feelsbad
Turns out the intended result was that Blademaster would actually kill both of them. Hoping this gets fixed soon for my 100% legit 7-cost no board plays,
How does it die, my dude?
It just does. It shouldn't but if Amet is on the board, Injured Blademaster just yeets himself
Star alinger combo! PogChamp
Finally Magma Rager is going to see some play LUL
Faceless Rager value kappa
High Priest Amet
Incoming Wisp Priest meta?
Zoo priest card. Dump all the trash in your hand and divine spirit combo next turn to finish.
I'm questioning how this will be used outside of Wild meme decks or Lady in White meme decks.