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does a golden Dollmaster summon a golden copy of my minions?
wish this was viable, i crafted for a deathrattle deck 2 expansions ago rip.
Pretty gross with Juicy Psychmelon.
I think this guy is about to see a lot play with the Dr. Boom expansion.
Sadly, it didn't!
"This one turned out nicely....."
I might be crazy but, is this a reference for Hunter x Hunter movie? The one who had a blond doll maker who completed their dolls with the eyes of his opponents? :D
Wow, this guys looks insanely creepy. Pedophile anyone?
I'm betting that this card will become tier 1 in the future with some new insane synergies
2019 ( Year of the Dragon) still nothing
Works great in my deathrattle quest priest. :)
I totally forgot this guy existed until i saw him in the adventure mode... Sad because i love his design/flavor!
Found a Deck you can utilize him in pretty good
- 62% win rate
Never lost to Cubelock
Never lost to even/odd paladin
Test it out and post results here!
that flavor text is creepy :o
The intro animation of this card is just amazing. Their (or his, the doll's eye is Dorian's second one) eyes glow menacingly when they are played.
Having fun with this in my Deathrattle Shammy. Couple of card draw cards included (Coldlight Oracle, Loot Hoarder, Ancestral Knowledge) to get the dummy's out. For when they come out i included Reincarnate and Ancestral Spirit.
The memeDream at turn 9: get dorian out(5), Ancestral Knowledge , into Deathwing, Dragonlord 1/1 and in hand. Into Reincarnate on the 1/1.
Now you have at least Dollmaster Dorian and two 12/12 deathwings. Nice stuff for Nzoth also.
And if lucky another funny little 1/1 from your draw. Also nice when sylvanas shows up.
Just opened a golden one. And a golden Tess. In 2 consecutive packs. What the....I've only ever had 1 other Golden Legendary in the past 500 packs I've opened. Pretty cool animation.
Not sure if anyone has posted this yet but I opened Dollmaster Dorian and I tossed him in a new Cubelock deck with Sense Demons for extras to bring back with Bloodreaver Guldan . Granted, bringing back imps would suck, and it's an 8 mana play, but if you haven't drawn your demons yet somehow and you have the weapon online then it's not so bad. Open to criticism, just thought it might be interesting for a card that never sees play to get some action in one of the popular decks.
this is just an idea http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1064603-rush-down
Won't be nearly as oppressive as Barnes was. This relies on you drawing a minion, not just pulling a copy from your deck automatically. Requires you to have a very minion heavy deck or a way to "fish" minions from your deck, while relying on this to stick to the board or have your draw mechanic be cheap enough to play the same turn you play this. Maybe some cheese available with Master Oakheart but I haven't looked too much into that yet. Also a bit of synergy with the new "Minion Mage" lol.