The Black Knight
Card Text
Battlecry: Destroy an enemy minion with Taunt.
Flavor Text
He was sent by the Lich King to disrupt the Argent Tournament. We can pretty much mark that a failure.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Destroy an enemy minion with Taunt.
He was sent by the Lich King to disrupt the Argent Tournament. We can pretty much mark that a failure.
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Here from Descent of Dragons and I got a golden Black Knight a couple days ago. Not sure if I should disenchant it to craft another legendary or keep it. I currently don't have any deck that it would fit in (Face Hunter? But I don't use Face Hunter decks). Any thoughts?
This card isn't a staple anymore but certainly has it's uses. For instance in a Highlander Deck he can be that extra removal you need. Especially since most decks are playing late game taunt minions.
He is Tier 2-3 in my book.
The Black Knight and Gruul is staying in my collection. LOL.
This was my 2nd legendary from Knights of the Frozen Throne. He's now just sitting there on my collection cuz I don't know what deck he would fit in.
But he's a classic legendary???
Hello taunt minion. Goodbye taunt minion. >:)
Playing against cubelocks might actually be fun ;)
Dear Mr. The Black Knight.
There was a time when you were true all-star. But that was long long ago. After that you faded away.
People were raging after getting you in a pack. Some of them even called you "400 dust".
But you didn't give up. You tried to make a powerful comeback. Remember the time before Old Gods when so many people were saying that you'll be an auto-include and hard counter to Twin Emperor Vek'lor or buffed C'Thun? Or hype before Un'Goro when the bunch of players thought that era of Taunt Warrior is coming and you'll be an excellent tech?
I remember those times. But unfortunately you didn't manage to come back. And suddenly, when there was so little faith, so little hope... YOU DID IT! You came back! You literally turned against The Lich King and showed in HS once again to annihilate your master.
Welcome back The Black Knight! Even if it's for 2-3 weeks... it's worth!
Do I craft him though.. that is the question
By the way
According to his flavor text, he was sent by Lich king... and these days Black Knight is used as a counter to Lich King. Is that a treachery?)
Not the first time someone turned their back on The Lich King
I like the flavor text, He was sent by the Lich King to disrupt the Argent Tournament. Looks like he's going to be sent by us to disrupt The Litch King!! Will definitely make this guy!
The Lich King/The Black Knight meta is comming
Just pulled him golden from a tavern brawl pack. Perfect timing.
That is indeed timely - good for you!
This might once again become a good tech choice
Welcome back, I've missed you.
What, no flesh wound comment on death?
Hello, fellows. This time I'm remaking The Blck Knight. It used to be very rarely seen card, which really shined like in Naxx times, when half of matches contained Sludge Belchers, Deathlords and other popular these times taunts. Then meta got switched to high-tempo-aggro side, and this card faded away out of common edge. A lot of people said that BK would rise after WOG, as it had a lot of taunts. It didn't. It was used a few times, though.
Anyway, let's talk about it's current position. It is still very unpopular, just because most of tier 1 or 2 decks dont have at least medium taunts. Mages, warlocks, pirate warriors dont utilise them mostly, or if they do, it's like 1-2 taunt per deck, which makes your The Black Knight very unreliabl. A lot of ties my enemy played like Bog Creeper, for example, and i couldnt draw my BK for 3-5 turns. And thenI drow him, when enemy has no taunts at all for the rest of the game. This unreliability makes this card unpopular tech. Nowadays cards should have multipurpose or not-high drawbacks. Like a card could be playable on a board just to conquest the board, to threat, or to fulfill its purpose. BK has 2 mana tempo loss, which is quite terrible. If he destroys at least 4 mana taunt, his tempo is huge, as for 2mana you deal 4-x damage, ignoring divine shields. Otherwise this card is very poor to play with no battlecry.
Nowadays Taunt Warrior is somewhat popular, so against those BK should always find a valuable target to destroy, for example Direhorn Matriarch. Stonehilldefender is also seen in decks, which justifies that your opponent gonna pick quite a big taunt minion. Tirion Fordring is as popular as it's always beenm but Ashbringer kills BK, unless you Ooze it. And N'Zoth, the Corruptor still can bring some deathrattle-taunts back,which is gonna hurt. Primordial Drake is another big and popular taunt, so it's another target for our taunt-hater. Tar Creeper sees a lot of play, and this it quite decent taunt to be killed, as it would otherwise hurt your minions for 3, and require 5 damage to get rid of. Some elementals who grant taunts are also in rare use, so against those playing The Black Knight can give you the upper hand, but such matchups are pertty rare as well.
Aggro decks dont really use taunt, so these matchups will make you hate The Black Knight, because instead of him you could have drawn an AOE, healing, your taunt minion or another tool to sustain.
So, time to make a conclusion about about this card at this meta. Overall it's unreliable,as i said, because you either meet decks that have 0-2 taunts, which you cant counter if you dont draw the BK, obviously, and this happens to me like most of the time, when i try using this card. Or those minions are just too small to make you satisfied for playing the tech. Against some matchups it can be a very good tempo turn, but those ones are pretty rare. So, Do I craft it? No, this card is not essential for your collection at the moment. Do I dust it? If you are ready to humiliate yourself playing only cancer, aggro decks not bellow tier 1-2, you dont need such cards. Dust it with no doubts and craft more face/zoo types of cards, get easy wins, Legend and be happy. Other people who can have fun experimenting with decks, keep in mind that in future expansions meta can chage, there will be taunts that can make people use The Black Knight in decks, who knows. I personally have it golden, it has pretty neat burping, just in case it starts being popular.
If you enjoyed this one, here is the thread of all my reviews, if you would like to hear my opinion about other legendary cards:
DarkDenius' Legendary reviews
P.S. My older review, which is one year old.
Greetings. As I promised, The Black Knight review would come after some time of the new meta. I think now i can review it as it is.
A little backstory. I was paying attention to that card's popularity before and after the WOG. That legendary used to be around 1.45-1.85% of deck presence in a while, but after the announcement of new expansion's taunts its popularity raised to 3.42% in one week and to 5.52% in another. I think it's a great number, if you are somehow familiar with statistics.
Now, time for my usual-styled review. I crafted this card right after expansion arrival, and that was kinda a good decision. If you already have all neutral top-tier legendaries and dont need class ones, The Black Knight may be your crafting choice. It really helps you to sustain most of druid decks, as they run several huge taunts(C'Thun druid runs 5-7, just for note), so most of the time you will have a target for its battlecry. Against shaman it may help you with dealing with random-Evolved taunts, Thing from Below and some others. Some warlocks also run Defender of Argus, Sunfury Protector, so her you have usae of Black Knight. Against Paladin you will be happy to get rid of Tirion Fordring, but then The Black Knight will just die from Ashbringer. Still acceptable, ciuse it's 1 less durability of the weapon. Against Hunters it will be useful to destroy Misha or a Houndmastered beast.
Against C'Thun decks, that are very popular at the moment, it may be handy if they play Twilight Geomancer, as a future answer to taunted Old God, or to get rid of Crazed Worshipper, Twin Emperor Vek'lor. So, as you can see, this card will find a good place in control or defensive midrange decks.
About tempo of this card: If it has its battlecry applied, your tempo is great, because you play Chillwind Yeti for 4 mana and destroy enemy taunt(which costs at least 4 mana) for 2 mana. But if you drop it just for a minion on a board(which i wouldnt recommend in any case, unless you are sure that you won't face a taunt in your match), it is just a 2 mana waste. Not a big loss, but unpleasant.
Now, the disadvantages that i discovered. This card is useful, but still very situational. THere are a lot of times when you have perfect target for it, but you just cant draw it. And then you draw it when there is nothing to kill. Very awkward situations, but they have place.
Against aggro it's a dead card. Maybe against some kind of Evolve-aggro shaman or hunter with Houndmasters it would somehow work, but it's too slow in such matchups. Against freeze-mage or miracle rougue it won't help you either.
So, to sum up, i would say that this legendary is useful, no doubt, but he is very meta-oriented and situational. If its all about high aggression and tempo, you better not to run him(As used to be before WOG), so it's not an universal tech. It can be somewhat substituted with Sylvanas Windrunner, becuase she can steal a pesky taunt, not just destroy it. (Personally, i prefer running both in my control decks, to have more answers to enemy threats).As i said, if you worried about crafting it, check first if you have all nessessary top-tier legendaries, or if you really face a lot of unpleasant taunts. If your answer is positive, go ahead and craft him, because he is a part of the Expert set and always will be Standart-acceptable. WOG has revived this legendary to what it was back in these days.
UPDATE: Hail the aggro-zoo meta. This legendary now is in even worse place than it used to be before WOG. People wanna go face, no need in taunts.
He always taunts The Dark Knight, claiming to be darker than him.