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This guy has secret text that says "If you play this on turn 1 or 2, your opponent will always have a way to kill it."
First impressions: The combo with Book of Specters and subsequently Leyline Manipulator is very , very good. (esp if you copy the giants) .
FIRST PACK I GOT IT GOLDEN OMG!!!! And Lady in White (non golden). 7+15 packs!
LUL 2 bad legendaries well done bud
One of the best golden animation on this set imo.
What's a Rogue card doing in a Mage deck? lol. very good card.
Definitely lots of combo potential and value, I personally don't care but I know plenty of people who will.
this card: *revealed*
me: Its free value estate
Archmage Arugal into Simulacrum add in Zola the Gorgon Play: Dollmaster Dorian = Endless..
I expect Dane and Hysteria, maybe Chump to make great use of these new cards. As for the rest of us lowly mortals. I expect many will try to be fancy and get crushed by the new facehunter that blizzard is pushing for.
I dont know exactly how but if the past trends have taught us anything, it is that copy card effects can be quite potent on their own if the card or effect it copies is strong enough to capitalize from it. Quest mage was an excellent example of this making sorcerers apprentice to go from a card you would only play in tempo mage to added in every deck that could give the exodia effect. Sorcerers apprentice was never a bad card but the copy effect of molten reflection created a whole new archetype of hearthstone decks: Exodia.
Hearthstone has a ton of cards that gives you the feel of: If I dont remove this, I will lose the game shortly after. Dollmaster is such a card were a combo mage to rise to popularity. But if you on the offchance should be lucky enough for him to live the turn hes played to get to maximise value off of his aura it would likely involve a multitude of copying effects: Sorc apprentice, pyros, or maybe some of the new cards. Maybe im overestimating how strong of an impact it could have if you were able to chain copy a strong effect but it sure opens up alot of potential combos.
To rephrase my first post it wasnt the sequense of the cards that opens up potential but moreso listing up the different cards that copy and how they together could do cool stuff.
Regardless of whether or not this is good, I really dislike this card. It's just Chromaggus, which could also copy spells and was available for every class. I think this is an incredibly lazy design that screams of "We'll just make two legendaries that have basically the same effect". For the most part, legendaries have pretty unique effects in comparison to each other. The ones that don't are generally retrains (Hogger to Hogger, Doom of Elwynn and King Mukla to Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale). This is just a legendary with an already used design, nothing special about it.
Now, I'm not saying every legendary has to be Yogg-Saron, Hope's End levels of unique. But I think I'd rather that Blizzard not recycle legendary effects from expansions that rotated out not too long ago, in favour of creating...legendary effects? Know what I'm saying?
I have yet to see anyone notice that the almost the ENTIRE set is just reskinned old cards.Every single mechanic is already in the game,all they did was take the same code and add a card face to it,likely the laziest expansion we will ever see.The odd/even idea is new i think but not like that took any effort at all to flag those cards playable or not and just upgrade the hero power which is an old mechanic from that card we had many seasons ago Justicar Trueheart.
I know some people like to argue so i'll save you the time,YES RUSH is already in game via the Warrior "charge" card,YES Echo already in game via Valeera hero card,so they literally had to do nothing this expansion except the art for new cards.
I wish some prominent websites would cal Blizzard out for being so lazy and basically trying to rip us off reskinning old code/cards.
i know building a mostly-minion-based deck might be kinda challenging for mage, but man...
this ongoing effect, on such a low cost minion, is scary as fuck
Archmage Arugal > Witchwood Piper > Sorcerer's Apprentice > Leyline Manipulator > profit
Will the Leyline discount both Sorcerer's Apprentices ?
only one. you get the other 2 free apprentices out of Simulacrum, having the option of summoning the last one out of Molten Reflection.
Let me know what you think
With the loss of some key secret package cards in rotation, Tempo Mage can go back to only playing a few burn and draw spells and some more minion synergy.
lol a better Chromaggus
nope, chromaggus was any card, arugal only works with minions.