Cairne Bloodhoof was the Chief of the united tribes of the tauren, chieftain of the Bloodhoof, leader of Thunder Bluff, and the final wielder of the Bloodhoof Runespear. Allying with the Horde upon its arrival on the shores of Kalimdor, Cairne stood as one of its wisest and most venerated leaders, until his unfortunate death in a duel against Garrosh Hellscream, the new Warchief of the Horde. He was succeeded as chief by his son, Baine Bloodhoof.
Cairne Bloodhoof
Card Text
Deathrattle: Summon a 5/5 Baine Bloodhoof.
Flavor Text
Cairne was killed by Garrosh, so... don't put this guy in a Warrior deck. It's pretty insensitive.
Card Sounds
People : why you craft CAIRNE? he is not useful in the meta
can i ask a question? is this a good card to craft
only if you play n'zoth decks
glad Cairne is again in the meta. thanks Bonemare
Even on his own, bloodhoof is actually a great minion to have. Six mana for two four fives is great, and it's really OP with Reincarnate and Ancestral Spirit
Love it.
Something is definitely wrong...
Carine is the one who allied the Tauren with the Horde in the first place...
Opened a golden version of him. Couldn't bring myself to dust it.
6 mana Yeti deathrattle: Summon another Yeti. Works well with N'Zoth.
i got golden version from pack :D
but faction part is wrong cairne bloodhoof on the horde side not alliance
Should i craft him or harrison jones?
if u wanna play nzoth in stardard craft him u can always play ooze. for wild nzoth decks shredders are better
Got a golden in a pack today!
Barnes + 1/1 Cairne = 4/5 stats with a 4/5 deathrattle.
Heey. Did somebody miss me? Ehh, sad... Whatever. Time for another review by DarkDenius. Mother Earth watches upon us. Cairne Bloodhoof is here.
No backstories.
Beginning with his stats and mana value. It's basically 2x Chillwind Yetis in one card for 6 mana, 3 mana each. 8/10 stats, which is 9 mana for only 6. And in 2 bodies. It's a very sticky minion to be played. He is not dangerous, but annoying. Cairne Bloodhoof is not afraid of devastating mass removals like Twisting Nether, Brawl, Flamestrike, unless it was killed previously. He doesnt pressure your opponent, he jsut allows you to trade a little bit more favourable, because your opponent most likely remain Cairne untouched. Or just transform it into something. Or Entomb it. ell, here it ill be a good news, because then your other heavies will have more chances to remain on board, unless Cairne Bloodhoof was your only big threat.
Another thing is his deathrattle. It synergies well with whatever deathrattle-related cards persist in meta/Standart. Currently he is being widely used as N'Zoth, the Corruptor value-extender. Very solid 6 drop, good deathrattle. Perfect for resurrecting.
But let's remember Pre-WOG times, guys. Remember when it was one of low-tier legendaries? Like "Not to craft, maybe not to dust"? It was like tier 3-4 legendary and was played very rarely, in some deathrattle-rogues? Just imagine that WOG stuff has cycled out, and we have no N'Zoth in Standart. Do you think it ill be as popular as it is now? I doubt. Currently it's a good card, but think further. Yes, he is in Expert Set, so he will be always in Standart, but other cards like Deathwing are expert set too, but not used because there are other cards that are more useful. By the way, one of reasons he wasnt played in pre-Wog is that Naxxramas and GVG cards were there, like Loatheb, Dr. Boom and so on. They were more useful. Now they are gone, so Cairne is used as a not-quite-bad card. People were dusting him with no doubt, now they sorrow that. In 1-2 years those who crafted him will be sorrowing, but dusters will be fine, huh?
Conclusion: IF you got him from a pack - keep it, it's decent. But if you want to craft him - check out if you have other premium-quality legendaries, like Sylvanas Windrunner, Ragnaros the Firelord, staple class ones. Maybe investing 1600 dust there will be more demandful? If you want to play N'Zoth, the Corruptor deecks or some tempo-sticky decks like Tempo-Warrior - crafting him is a good option. but if you just "WANT TO CRAFT STUFF HELP ME PLEASE", then think again. I've seen a person lately who is choosing beteen Sylvanas Windrunner and this card. How are they even comparable? One is top-tier, second is "just a double Yeti".
If you've enjoyed reading this review, follow me in my profile to stay tuned and check out my other observations(Links):
The Expert Set:
Neutral legendaries: Onyxia | Baron Geddon | Malygos | Deathwing | Bloodmage Thalnos | Cairne Bloodhoof | Leeroy Jenkins| Harrison Jones |Sylvanas | Ysera | Ragnaros | Alexstrasza | The Black Knight
Class ones: Al'Akir the Windlord | King Krush | Cenarius | Edwin VanCleef | Archmage Antonidas | Tirion Fordring | Jaraxxus | Prophet Velen[Remastered in 26.10.2016] |Grommash Hellscream
The Whispers of the Old Gods Set:
Neutral legendaries: N'Zoth | Soggoth
Other Sets:
| Kel'Thuzad | Arch-Thief Rafaam |
My forum thread(Link)
Another perfect review on another Legendary, You make some of the best posts on Hearthpwn, Once you make more reviews you should compile them and make 'The Ultimate DarkDenius Crafting Guide' and Probably post it on Reddit so it can gain more appreciation and get accessed by more people.
Oh cairne, my first legendary, why oh why did i dust you :(
Huh, same sad story...
Just crafted a golden Cairne. Will be running this in N'zoth decks and on it's own as a solid sticky 6 drop. My bro was lucky enough to get a gold one in a pack a few months back.
Is this guy worth crafting now for a Hunter Midrange N'Zoth deck?
Hell yeah it is. Cairne is definetely making a comeback.