- Mistcaller buffs minions, not cards created by minions. (Source)
Battlecry: Give all minions in your hand and deck +1/+1.
Calling the mist doesn't sound all that great. "Ooooh, it is slightly damp now!"
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I don't understand why it's so expensive
This card, if played on turn 5 (Coin) or 6, can make every single other minion in your deck have the same tempo advantage relative to similar-cost minions that Totem Golem has. It's absolutely absurd.
However, the late arrival of the card into play (6 mana), the fact that it's a Legendary and thus one-of, and the fact it's a poor tempo play means that it's generally balanced*. It's a shame that Shaman is almost all aggro or Jade now, as that means this card never really sees play in conventional meta decks.
* The poor tempo play thing may not really be such a big deal when you consider that Overload makes most of the best Shaman cards such phenomenal tempo plays that having a single poor tempo turn shouldn't be such a huge loss. Many control decks have poor tempo turns, especially in the currently-key early game, which the Shaman class doesn't have to deal with so much.
Can anyone tell me the interaction between this card and grim patron? I do believe that if you used this card to buff your deck and then end up playing and damaging your 4/4 Grim patron ,you should theoretically summon another 4/4 Grim patron instead of a 3/3 copy
The card text on Grim Patron specifies you summon another Grim Patron rather than a copy of the original Grim Patron. Mistcaller only buffs minions in your hand and deck, and not the ones created by other minions. Thus, the resulting Grim Patron will be 3/3.
Dear The Mistcaller,
It seems as if I must tell you the most unfortunate news. The paladin and hunter class has decided to take your effect away from you and use it in many new cards. For example, the wonderful Grimestreet Outfitter is strictly better than you in all ways. Its easier to get. But you may be wondering lord of the mist, "But I do it for the entire deck!". Unfortunately you are just outmatched by their shier number.
-Grimestreet Enforcer
-Grimestreet Outfitter
-Grimestreet Smuggler
-Smuggler's Run
-Trogg Beastrager
-Shaky Zipgunner
And not to mention all the new synergy that you don't offer...
-Meanstreet Marshal
-Dispatch Kodo
And knowing blizzard, more to come.
At least shamans still have their 4 Mana 7/7 to play, for they will not want to think of you for then next 2-3 months as their 6 Mana 4/4. At least your spirit will live on elsewhere...
The Secret Kodo Society
Prince Keleseth
Just got him in a pack, should I dust him or keep him?
I have a gold version of this card, thinking about dusting. Is it a viable card at this point or safe to dust? I do play shaman occasionally, and while I wanted this card forever, once I had it, I barely used it.
Master of Evolution might make this card playable on ladder - finally!
Got this pack from the arena!
Forget the other cards- you got evil heckler!!!
"Your mother was a murloc" best card
His deathsoundeffect sounds like he is sneezing
Just got it today. I would never craft it and hadn't really thought of this card as anything I would keep and play with.
But it was actually a pretty good card. I got some nice wins with it in casual. But I agree with earlier comment, make it cheaper with overload and it would be a card worthy to be a legendary.
Yay :D
gratz!! I just got a gold one too, thank you Hearthstone gods!!
Pulled this as my first legendary ever; wish I didn't dust this now (to craft Dr. Balanced)...
wtf that was totally worth lol
I'm playing it in my Battlecry Mistcaller / Brann Shaman deck, and when the game last a little, he can be amazing, specially with Brann Bronzebeard. A lot of people underestimate him in appropriate deck.
If you're wondering how this works with the Golden Monkey: if you played it before replacing your deck with legendaries, the buff will actually apply to all new cards drawn, but NOT to the cards it places into your hand. Tested this against the AI.
can confirm, just played the same scenario, its really weird tho