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Im using a priest chef Nomi deck and I've gotta say... it's crap. You pretty much lose to ever single agro deck. If you draw nomi/seance on your first turn, you lost the game cause those are dead cards. If you don't draw north shire, ur screwed. Enemy has hecklebot? GG. It's definitely not worth using on ladder cause you spend so much effort each game and just lose to the dumbest BS.
without myra's unstable element this card is borderline useless. i would def not recommend crafting i was super let down by this card. it will be in your hand for more losses than wins i can promise that
blizzard: ''We dont like otk decks''
For sure x)
technacly this is a ttk (two turn kill)
Well, this is my free golden leggy from the 80 bucks pre purchase :'). I guess i will just love it like a mother loves her unwanted child.
To be honest: Everyone in my friendlist received the golden version of this card during the "pack-opening-hour". And just one of them bought the pre purchase package. So this looks pretty strange to me...
Turned out that i'm a bad mother..i dusted him after a few hours.
But the sadest part in this whole thing is: i couldn't even play him once for the memes, since my oppenents conceded twice in fatigue before i had the chance to drop him :')
Chef "nom nom nom nom nom" Nomi :)
ur mom gay
This and Archivist Elysiana on curve is pretty sick combo. You just need to somehow destroy your deck by turn 7.
Almost nothing could find an answer for a full board of 6/6 on turn 7. Even Twisting Nether is one turn ahead (you will be dead by this time).
Upd: O’key, I remembered Vanish.
Brawl is another common option, as is Mass Hysteria
''His cooking is always very well done.''
I think that this card, obviously, isn't very good. But that it's a card that should exist.
There's only 2 decks I can think of that "consistently" get you into fatigue. Mill Druid and Mill Rogue. Maybe in a control mirror you'll get to fatigue. But it isn't a regular thing. So, this card most of the time is a bad 7 mana 6/6.
If it's played and gets its battlecry, a Mill Rogue will just Vanish it or something. Unless they've used both. In which case, this is a very strong last ditch effort. But a Mill Rogue will just kill you with fatigue damage thanks to their infinite Coldlight Oracles. I don't know much about Mill Druid, but Druid doesn't have much for boardclears. So they'd probably concede. So that's two decks this card is made to counter. With only one really actually getting screwed by it. Not very good.
Let's look at the other option. This is for control mirrors that make to fatigue. So...maybe a Dragon Warrior mirror? Control Warrior? Quest Priest Mirror? IDK.
That's not a very common matchup spread. And even then, it's not guaranteed to make it to fatigue. So again, this card mostly is a 7 mana 6/6. Now, if a control match has made it to fatigue granted, the players will be far more likely to have spent their boardclears. In which case, this card likely would seal the game. Again, not too common.
In short, I think this is a card that just won't trigger often enough to be worth it. But when it does trigger, it does have a good chance to swing. I would say this is a card I would gladly keep in my collection, just in case. Not playable now, but a card that can be looked to in the future.
This isn't even mentioning shenanigans with Myra's Unstable Element, because I frankly don't think that will be anything more than a meme.
Greasefire is spelled wrong on the card
sashashepto, F off, grammar critic (AKA a bully). You are not needed. You did not use a full stop to end your sentence, you hypocrite (not to mention you spelt it the same way it was spelt above).
Pay attention to your own grammar instead of judging other people on theirs and embarrassing yourself, you idiot.
Ahahahah I can't believe people like this exist.
The people that downvoted this are idiots that support grammar critics.
sashashepto, F off, grammar critic (AKA a bully). You are not needed. You did not use a full stop to end your sentence, you hypocrite (not to mention you spelt it the same way it was spelt above).
Pay attention to your own grammar instead of judging other people on theirs and embarrassing yourself, you idiot.
You do realize that "spelt" is not a word. This is what happens when a moron gets butt hurt because sashashepto insulted a different moron. This is a consumer product and a fully polished, well established game. There is no excuse for a misspelled word in a card. He's not a bully or a grammar critic. He's just right...deal with it.