Murgur Murgurgle
Card Text
Divine Shield
Deathrattle: Shuffle
'Murgurgle Prime'
into your deck.
Flavor Text
Murlocs are not native to Outland. When the Sungills arrived, one among them rose to the challenge of this dark world. They call him... Murgurgle. Murgur Murgurgle.
Surprisingly, this little guy is probably one of the strongest of the Prime cards besides Kargath. In addition to being a pretty strong turn 1 play, his prime version is an entire board reload protected by Divine Shield, plus a 6/3. With an average murloc's statline of 2/1, he's typically 14/7 worth of stats with DS for 8 mana. Aside from Imprisoned Sungill, he doesn't have too much potential low-rolls like Solarian or Kanrethad, or the dependence spell-heavy deckbuilding like Lady Vashj.
Cute bubble summoning effect!
Just had murgurgle prime give me another murgur murgurgle! murgurception if you will.
Quest paladin, maybe?
I'd play this in any aggressive deck too.
Very nice
Holy Macarone!
Fair normal card, good prime. I expect this to see play in slower decks (maybe midrange, but more likely control - if paladin control can take off this rotation).