Blademaster Samuro
Card Text
Frenzy: Deal damage equal
to this minion's Attack
to all enemy minions.
Flavor Text
Artists paint their visions meticulously on canvas. Blademasters paint with, uh, broader strokes.
Frenzy: Deal damage equal
to this minion's Attack
to all enemy minions.
Artists paint their visions meticulously on canvas. Blademasters paint with, uh, broader strokes.
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Remember Sergeant Sally?
This his her on Steroids.
R.I.P: Sally (whatever her lore is).
I was thinking this too, and it's a nice replacement for Apotheosis + Wild Pyromancer.
This card is good. It will be played in Paladin. It will probably replace 1 consecration. Good synergy with Libram of Justice and Equality I think that Equality will be reverted or changed to 3 mana with the coreset changes.
In wild since day one for handbuff paladin...!
Yeah I’m going Mech Paladin for him too good not to
This is my favourite hand-buff Paladin version...(very strong and funny to play)
This on turn 4 with Inner Rage will be nice for early game board control.
Has to survive to activate though
It will be easy for Samuro to survive one damage from Inner Rage :)
Too bad Inner Rage is going to wild
Dota Vibe
Let's see if Blessing of Might makes it into core. That would be an impressive combo.
Stage Dive was my first thought. Pretty insane tutoring + board clear for control warrior.
You want Kargath Bladefist in Control Warrior I think though, so gotta win that 50/50 haha
it feels like that neutral card from gadgetzan, absolutely useless unless you have some attack buffs in your hand and even then it has to survive
Nice board clearer with Lord Barov
Insane with Libram of Wisdom