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44.9% Meta Defining lol
People tend to forget how card work in Hearthstone when they see some card that has insane value: you need to discard this, then later you need to play this. But there's one little issue: when this gets to insane value, you are probably have an empty hand, and enough mana to play a minion that's actually worth it. Yes, you could have a 2 mana 10/10; but your hand is probably empty and you already have 8-10 mana, so why not simply play Lich King or something different.
People look at a card (as we had it already in several packs), look on the paper and think: insane value, META DEFINING. But value hardly matters in Hearthstone: tempo is far far far more important. What does it matter if you have a 2 mana 10/10 on board, when the enemy has a 1/1 taunt with divine shield on board.
This card is trash, dust it on pull.
Just like Silverware Golem this card will dodge your discards completely negating its purpose and unlike Silverware Golem Zavas doesn't create instant board presence. Your more likely to drop your other discard engines than drop this garbage at a decent value. Tiny Knight of Evil was better at buffing itself while also being a demon; FOR THE SAME COST!
I regret ever crafting this card.
Works similarly to Dispatch Kodo as she always dodges discards.
I Got a golden King Mosh from a pack. Should I disenchant it so I can craft clutchmother zavas?
This card isn't anything special honestly and Discard Zoo is pretty bad currently. If you play Paladin, Sunkeeper Tarim is a safe craft. The Warrior and Mage quests are also good.
So is she worth using if you don't have the Warlock quest?
When you try to cut toxic people out of your life but they don't take no for an answer.
Likelihood to actually discard this card? 1/500 odds.
The insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee odds of never being able to discard this are through the roof. I just played a game were it was clutch and one other card in my hand. 4 fucking times I couldn't discard it.
Please fucking fix this. 50/50 lose 4x? Seriously? I have a better chance of winning the lottery then I do at discarding this card.
If your odds of winning the lottery are better than 1 in 16 then I seriously recommend you buy some tickets immediately.
Damn stubborn this thing. Last three games I've played with her she hasn't wanted to leave my hand.
Gotta love the loyalty but...
Yea, sure. I always discard my Fist of Jaraxxus or Silverware Golem instead of Reno Jackson
DiscardLock geting more consistent, i like it =]
Warlock needs more "whenever you discard this" cards
They'll have to be careful, because if they add too many then the discard effect may end up becoming an advantage instead of a downside, like overload did when Tunnel Trogg was introduced. The power level of Warlock would then increase so much it would become unfair.
The discard effect is also very RNG-based and if it becomes a major component in decks then it may be reach the levels of Yogg-Saron in terms of annoyingness.
I think they have almost if not as many discard effects as they need for it to be a reliable archetype.
Am I the only one who finds it odd that it's a beast for Warlock and not a demon?
i mean this whole expansion theme is beasts and elementals so i guess why not
clutchmother sounds like a heavy metal band from the 70's or 80's.
Any idea if this works with Deathwing (i.e. still goes back to your hand)?