Hero Power Upgrades
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Demon Hunter: Slips this card into their deck and uses odd cards.
Other face decks in Wild: *chuckle* I'm in danger now!
I can't believe this would have just left rotation tomorrow if it weren't HoF'd
Add all Baku sounds.
Why hasn't this card, Glitter Moth, Gloom Stag and Black Cat been updated to the Hall of Fame?
Sweet concept, such a terrible execution
Good riddance this thing left standard early, the format would have continued to be stagnant. This is the perfect example of negative meta warping.
It'd be interesting to see Blizzard return to the Odd/ Even mechanic, but hopefully approach it much more cautiously.
never before have I felt such rage before a game even begins.
I'm counting hours till this piece of shite paladin munchers card will be gone!!! Finally Blizzard made something good! All Paladin haters says big THANK YOU!
Farewell fatass snake...you will not be missed
"I will silence their screams!" not the screams of the community shouting hysterically to nerf the shit out of these
All i see is this shit in the ladder now. ODD paladdin, ODD Rogue etc... Its almost impossible to win with a budget deck.
Hope they nerf this card soon.
Problem Solved!
honestly the making of this card and gen were probably mistakes from a balance perspective. When they rotate into wild they are going to be in every deck because theirs enough cards that exist to make their penalty's irrelevant, and due to the nature of these cards effects their impossible to effectively Nerf, or at least not without making them borderline useless.
upgraded paladin hero power is broken and bends the meta in a bad way.
The problem here is mostly wild, especially in a few years.
Why would anyone ever want to make a deck without Baku (or Genn) once there are thousands of odd cost cards to choose from anyway?
7 mana 7/8 with that ridiculously strong effect? No. Baku is meant to be overpriced: This is so that the aggro decks which run it aren't able to use it as a card to play with tempo.
Also, odd hunter has been hovering along the 50% winrate line, so check what you're saying before you say it. On top of that, there are still players who like long games. I know, right! So amazing! Not everyone thinks the way you do!
The shaman hero power really sucks. It should only cost one mana crystal to make it kind of good and to make it as good as the rogue, mage, and paladin it should cost 2 mana crystals and summon 2 random totems.
the fact you can consistently get a spell damage totem seems good but really it only applies to about 1 in 10 turns and to make matters worse the healing and searing totem are usually completely redundant so i definetely agree with you
Baku is just too strong. The upgraded hero power is amazing and the downside of "not being able to use even costed cards" isn't really a downside when there are just so many superpowerful odd cost cards.
One good way to nerf Baku as well as the bullshit even decks: Swap the card text. Have Baku discount the hero power instead, and Genn upgrade the hero power. That will make both decks weaker, while not killing the archetype.
No. The even-only deck needs the 1-mana HP, otherwse they'd have nothing to do with that extra mana crystal on odd-mana turns