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Im new player, just testing this card. look at how strong moroes is . im lucky the guy didnt had any aoe removal
Moroes is not only pretty bad in general, but he's super bad when there are so many consecrations, blizzards, and maelstrom portals going around.
Also, try not to let how well one card looks in one game against a terrible deck shape how you view it. Try and get a handful of games experience with a card, and try and play against the meta decks if possible to really test something out.
Good luck!
I don't even own The Caverns Below, and I'm a free to play player. So unless I get lucky before Knights Of The Frozen Throne, this guy's gonna get dusted for me.
Don't call yourself free to play, it's silly. Whether you've spent a couple bucks on packs or adventures or not is pretty irrelevant. Doing your quests wisely, dusting the correct cards, and intelligently crafting is what matters. Buying a couple packs at the end of the day isn't too big of a deal. Speaking from experience as someone who plays casually, is "free to play", yet has "all the cards".
Anyway, yeah definitely dust him man.
I'm currently trying this fella in a Shaman Token deck. I'm curious as to whether the stealth makes him a bit more durable than a Primalfin Totem
That seems like it'd be too punishing for decks without heavy board wipes.
Un'goro changed the communities thoughts on Moroes from the looks of it, the people who dusted it must be regretting it today.
I am looking at you The Caverns Below
The only deck I see it used in is Quest rogue. But yeah, I just disenchanted it. Pretty worthless when I need dust.
Scrolling through the comments and laughing at every comment about how it's an easy 400 dust.
I bet that 27.7% that voted "Dust it!" are now regretting that decision after The Caverns Below came out.
Before Un'Goro came out I yelled "Moroes Tier 1" and got downvoted. Who's laughing now?!
Moroes + The Caverns Below seems pretty good.
You have to play the minion card, not just summon the minion.
I'm referring to when the quest is complete and you get Crystal Core. Moroes is then a 5/5 stealth that spawns a 5/5 token at the end of each turn.
please kill me, i just Disenchanted Moroes
You, me, and the 27,7% that voted for "Dust it!" probably regrets Disenchanting Moroes now.
I just keeping it because i like the sound when he gets played on the board. Even though i don't use him
Imp Master
practically no difference: they both last just 2-3 turns at most and they summon tokens.
but Moroes can give you 400 dust...
I'm strongly tempted.
tbh i like him in a zoolock deck, not a game-winner by any means but he combos decently with Knife Juggler and Darkshire Councilman