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Play 1 card, GET 5
Behold Yet Another Custom Game Monstrosity!
I'm really not a fan of these Hearthstone exclusive legendaries, especially another copy of one. It's waste a chance to pull from the vast characters of Warcraft universe. On top of that, they have no real relation to the thematic zones of the expansions. Her and Hemet, Jungle Hunter, could have been any number of characters from Un'Goro. I particularly like replacing her with A-Me 01, being a 5 mana 5/5 mech with the same battlecry.
If you record the eluth netherdar backwards... She says: "I'd a then sue it".
So after you play the cards from her pack, they go to your collection right?
Does Elise seem like a good choice to craft, now we're a week into KFT?
Yeah Elise is becoming a necessity in any control or Midrange deck. She was mediocre in Un'goro but now with Frozen Throne she fits right in.
i just crafted her last night.
I don’t think now would be a good time to craft her.
This card, as well as Elise Starseeker, are both voiced by Amy Walker. She's also the voice of Lunara from Heroes of the Storm.
This card is just completely bonkers. S tier.
It's the perfect control card. When you're hitting fatigue you want extra cards in your deck. Not only that, you're essentially drawing 5 cards in the end game when your hand is getting empty. It's not regular pack rarity either, you often draw multiple legendaries and epics.
Bloody fantastic card! Shadow Visions or returning Elise to your hand creates insane value.
Shuffle 1 card - sealded pack into deck. When you draw it, you have 1 card - sealed pack. When you play that card it gives you 5 cards into hand.
And its forever
I'm predicting the next set will have a "Elise the Discoverer," where you get to Discover a pack.
also no you cannot get quest cards
Originally that was her Battlecry. The original one was to add a random quest to your hand, and shuffle cards required to complete that quest into your deck. I would've love to see that in play.
Beyond the fact that this card is good it is also hillariously fun as i recently found out when i vs'd some sort of control warrior in which i managed to get 5 un'goro packs. 2 from shadow visions 1 from mana binding his un'goro pack and 1 from both my first elise and the second elise which i got from 1 of the other 4 packs. :)
This should answer your questions about getting elise from un'goro packs
Can you pull quest cards from Elise? if so wouldn't it weaken Elise? Please and thank you
No she cannot pull quests, not that you'd want to since quests require certain cards to complete.
I need to know something... Its posible to open an Elise The Trailbrazer on the Un'Goro pack from Elise The Trailbrazer?