Card Clarification
- A random spell from your deck is revealed. Reveal indicates your opponent will see it.
- A random minion is summoned with the same cost as the revealed spell. This works like Forbidden Shaping
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This card hasn't been nerfed enough, it NEEDED to be 8+ mana to justify what it can bring to the board.
Ding Dong the Witch is dead!
This card needs to discard the revealed spell.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm tired of this rhyme
And so are you.
It spawns a 4/4 and a 12/12 to boot.
Only to repeat next turn
Unless his 10-cost he drew.
The light has burned you
Now nature will too.
Pinch of deathcap, heel of shoe.
I hate this RNG bullshit card with a passion. I can't believe this passed the testing phase.
Blizzard simply lost their mind allowing THIS card to exist.
Oh wait! They did it not for the first time
Delete this fucking card already. Braindead card for braindead people.
Poor baby
Oh wait wrong card...
Cards like these make me really miss Dr. Boom. He’s more balanced this this OP shit. And this card is an Epic so you can have two of them!
Yea, if Doctor 7 was in standard right now, he would be too slow.
And that's real sad.
Barnes + Y'Shaarj combo left the meta. Only to be replaced by something similar, expect much better one and you can have it 2x if the first one gets countered!
Because you have to sacrifice other cards, you can't run shadow word death or savage roar. It is very powerful but limits deck construction like reno and baku/genn decks. Baku paladins can't run tarim or tirion, reno priests cant run double copies of shadow visions or something like that. Its the start of the HS year and a large pool of bad 10 mana minions have rotated so that might be your cause of frustration.
Because Blizzard is retarded and Team 5 has shown they don’t know what they’re doing anymore.
Turn 6 > play this card > get Tyrantus > BrokeBack
Silent buff for spiteful summoner decks. It will be more prevalent now.
Now its a 50/50 between a 12/12 and an 8/8, which is a much better average than it used to be. I hit legend with Spiteful Priest, but honestly now it seems a little too consistently insane for anybody's preference.
Turn 6 Tyrantus. Fun card