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Unity. Precision. Perfection.
So, when this card came out and my friend unpacked it, I told him it was an awful card that was not worth playing.
In a twist of fate, I came to realise that I actually quite liked this card. I've been using it in my Paladin deck, with Stormwatcher to trigger the Windfury, and a bunch of normal Paladin cards for the rest. It can actually be a surprisingly good turn 4 drop, especially if you can trigger everything.
So what do you know? Don't judge a card until you've tried it.
3 weeks into the expansion. I haven't been seeing much of this.
Is this craftworthy?
Depends if you want to follow the meta decks or have fun and surprise. In handbuff paladin, it's nuts.
If the taunt/lifesteal/windfury/divine shield card is in your hand, I found that it doesn't count as "in your deck".
All the "prince" cards have the same "in the deck" mechanic as corpsetaker. Just fyi as you were (most likely) being sarcastic about crafting Prince Valanar.
Disclaimer: I play off and on (just returning since May) and don't consider myself to be particularly good enough give advice as I'm currently Rank 8 (good, but not incredible). HOWEVER, I'm currently running 1 corpsetaker in my warlock deck that has 60-65% win rate on normal standard after 50+ games (wanted to get a decent sample size before taking it to ranked although different it's against a different meta/lower quality). I really like the card, 4 mana 3/3 taunt with windfury and taunt is pretty strong early and not hard to pull off in my experience.
=3 heck yeah it is
Bugged on me against Marrowar, I got windfury, but was only able to attack once.
It once happened to me that I had lifesteal and taunt on Corpsetaker, but once I drew the last lifesteal minion from my deck on the next turn, Corpsetaker lost lifesteal ability. So based on the instance I could say that the abilities gained are not permanent either. You could loose them on the next turn. But I am not 100 percent sure. Just try to play with it.
So with the meta so far, none of them.
Maybe it will, change, who knows...
Basically a paladin only card that is strong against rushdown decks and average against control
What's neat is i made a seemingly good corpsetaker druid. Here it is:
The wall of attributes this card can get looks really nice, but if I understood correctly the card will lose value each hen you draw the triggers ?
If so, Topdecking this when you have 8 cards left in your deck sounds scary
This card is worth more, but at least if it's an epic we can play two. It can be extremely powerful, (4 mana for a 3/3 with possibly windfury, divine sheild, taunt, lifesteal) and it's like a cheaper, neutral Al'Akir the Windlord but charge is substituted for lifesteal
Possibly best suited for paladin, possible adaptation and granting this card Liquid Membrane
I like this card!
P.S. Oh, Hi Odric!