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It's quite unfortunate that this guy rotated out just as The Witchwood dropped, he'd be perfect in my Emeriss deck. :/
He's an Arcane Golem, and so is Zoobot, why do they get the mech tag?
"Go, tiny fish things!"
"No more dragon droppings!"
"Fly away, pretty animals!"
Curator! Stop releasing all the exhibits!
Going to play this in the Paladin deck, looks great!
This guy fits nicely into almost any midrange or control warrior deck. just toss in Fierce Monkey, Stampeding Kodo, Azure Drake, and a legendary dragon like Nefarian or Ysera and you're good to go! I've really enjoyed using him in Reno+C'thun Hybrid decks as well as tempo warrior.
This card is very similar to Twin Emperor Vek'lor, I've come to realize. He's a 7-mana 4/6 Neutral Legendary with Taunt, with a Battlecry that can generate immense value in the right deck. Even if you're only drawing into a card like Azure Drake and nothing else, that's still a very good effect considering that's a guaranteed draw. At first, I was kind of dumb and thought you'd have to have a deck with Beasts, Dragons, AND Murlocs in order to get value from it. But in reality, if you're running a deck where the only thing you'll be drawing is, say, a powerful Beast or Dragon and nothing else, that's still immensely powerful. It's similar to Ancient Harbinger in this respect.
I run him in Beast Druid, where he can draw me any number of Beasts, and an Azure Drake a good 90% of the time as well.
ONiK's sleeper hit. The best part about this card IMO is how flexible it is; I've used it successfully in Beast Druid, Anyfin Control Paladin, Dragon Paladin, Dragon Warlock, Midrange Hunter, and Highlander Mage. Sure, not all of these decks are necessarily top-tier in the current meta, but the point is that The Curator promotes inventive deckbuilding since you are rewarded for including cards you might not necessarily use.
Also, the dream of Brann Bronzebeard + The Curator is a pretty spectacular sight to witness...drawing 6 cards while getting bodies on the board is amazing!
Drawing 6 cards CAN be good but depending on the deck you're playing and if by turn 7 you still have lots of cards in hand you run the risk of possibly overdrawing. but it could work the other way too i guess.
Azure Drake is awesome for this guy. Draw into more draw.
this card is crazy value in beast-druid
The very best card you can have with astral communion
I have seen a lot of this card, In everything from rouges to warriors. This could be a new Dr. Boom
Best part about this card is his golden animation
Draw Coldlight Oracle in Mill Deck is what comes up in my mind.
Who else feels that the Beast/Drag/Murloc buff cards are actually stronger than the curator himself? :/
Also I feel like this is unoriginal because this is almost the same concept asC'Thun and his followers :(
Having card advantage in the game can often be more powerful than buffing a few minions. Nourish draws you 3 cards for 5 mana. Playing Nourish to draw cards on turn 5 means you're not having any impact on the board that turn. The Curator can draw specific cards and has immediate impact on the board (it's a taunt).
Drawing a card has a huge value. Drawing three cards is immense. Drawing 1-3 cards and knowing what you'll draw? Hee-hee hoo-hoo hah-hah.
7 mana ,draw Alexstrasza.
Good for my Freeze mage deck :)