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Calling it now, they're going to buff the hell out of this card then add it to the next Core Set alongside some other Freeze Shaman cards from Frozen Thrones.
Boulderfist has better stats
How is the waiting working out for you?
Blizzard please, make Freeze Shaman a viable deck :(
Silence Priest and Murloc Shaman are viable now. They gave two dead archetypes a lot of support out of nowhere so let's hope they do the same for Freeze Shaman!
I don't understand why they created the freeze synergy for Shaman in Frozen Throne but never added any new cards to support it in later expansions. Did they really think that what is already available is enough? Or did they just give up on it entirely? Wtf are they thinking?! Such a waste...
They thought Shaman was too strong back then and printed a bunch of awful cards without any synergies, hiding it as a new archetype
Wonderful legendary!
I still love you 'mon. Freeze Shaman is in my top three for fav decks.
Still waiting for this guy to be useful. Hopefully next expansion will bring freeze shaman into the meta. :)
i think ive dusted this 3 times, and just opened another one today!
Give shaman frost nova
They should definitely get better freeze spells maybe a minion that freeze all enemies?
nice prediction!
OP AF, Freeze shaman has been t1 for far too long QQ
Don't think I've ever had to think so minimally about whether to dust a card or not.
Hello, comment section. Not even two weeks later and I just got this card again from the HCT packs.
As it's obviously cursed like the Annabelle doll, I'm just going to hold onto it and hope I don't open it a third time.
Has anyone found a use for this guy yet? LOL. I ended up pulling him again & decided to just hang onto it this time.
I just don't get it.. who thought this would ever be a good card? the freeze shaman package is terrible beyond belief..