Bulwark of Azzinoth
Card Text
Whenever your hero would
take damage, this loses
1 Durability instead.
Flavor Text
This plate turned shield you shall wield, praying its powers fel will serve you well.
Whenever your hero would
take damage, this loses
1 Durability instead.
This plate turned shield you shall wield, praying its powers fel will serve you well.
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At this time, Bulwark of Azzinoth makes it obvious that the other account is running a bot with a rush deck to climb the ladder. The bot must not have Azzinoth or it is too hard to program for.
The other account will attack your Bulwark of Azzinoth with everything they have, adding + Atk to weapons and minions to hit something that negates it, even when their hand is almost empty making the card plays a complete waste. Pretty sad to think a lot of "live" games are AI bots wasting your time so the other person can grab rewards with no work.
Think people are seriously underestimating this card...Especially with invoke cards it makes it a 4/4 weapon you can tank anything in game and for 0 dmg to your face.
It can make favourable trades with smaller minions and finish them off with this, All weapons are suceptable to oozes etc but if they don't have the answer you're in great shape! Just my two cents.
I dont think this is an anti-aggro card.
It does about the same as Shield Block, but without the card draw or Shield Slam potential: it shields you from one turn of attacks from a bunch of lackeys or Leper Gnomes or Hounds (preventing 4-12 dmg total) - without actually killing the minions. A board clear for 2-4 mana would be more effective.
This is a lot more effective against midrange or control decks where it blocks 4-8 attack minions (preventing 16-32 dmg total) or even up to 4 turns of Fatigue Damage.
Love the concept, Warriors should be able to use shields to absorb damage. I believe this card will be better than most think 🤔 sure aggro can take advantage but warrior has clears for Aggro, unless they are rotating out, not sure.
*Upvote for belongs in Immune Warrior - Hoard Pillager; Greenskin; etc. *
*Downvote for belongs in Highlander Control*
So glad they finally made it an actual card, a lot of people had the idea a few years ago in the custom cards community (including myself), a lot of cards this expansion look inspired by custom cards and it's a great thing.
pathetic iq you got...
That belongs in a museum!
this effect would have been much better in Paladin
Thats such an interesting Legendary, essentially a more flexible Timeout for Warrior just in case you are severely outnumbered and losing and waiting to draw your Brawl, meanwhile Pala has access to two similar of those LOL
Don't think this is currently great or a difference maker, not enough to stall versus Aggro, and nothing for OTK decks as there are simply no known Warrior OTK combos possible since Mech C'Thun rotates, but maybe a card for Wild.
Aggro decks will just ping it with four token, then its already gone and they just go Face next turn.
Useful though as a timed counterplay versus OTK plays ? Yes, now it is getting interesting. BUT, there are currently no OTK decks in Meta, but watch out for future expansions and this card might find its spot some day.
The first card in the game that has the keyword "would"
Indeed. Both Bolf Ramshield and Snapjaw Shellfighter could, but don't
Saying no to direct damage OTK's is pretty sweet, likewise for OTK warriors this kinda acts like a pseudo Ice Block to help stall until you draw your combo, you can get another with Hoard Pillager too. Hoping that there will be a weapon tutor in the set.
Back in the days this shield was the erotic dream of every warrior taunt in burning crusade
It will help surive imo 1-2 turn wihout loosing hp. Worth to try it.
Surviving turn 1-2 with a 3 mana card 4Head
*heavy breathing*
Hoard Pillager and Kobold Stickyfinger
RIP face hunter, and hello to Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison Jones
Actually reason to play Arcane Missiles on empty board in face xd or Cinderstorm
You could use the card to steal weapons but then the warrior would probably just harrison it.