Card Text
Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian with "Deathrattle:
Summon Anub'arak."
Flavor Text
Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.
Card Sounds
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I've been playing since before this card was released and I completely forgot it existed.
So what about this and Da Undatakah
Could make a comeback in Wild Big Rogue with the new deathrattle tools? If only he was 8 mana
It sucks that Anub'Arak was represented in the game in such a crappy way. Trash card that i've never seen played, even in arena.
This card makes me wish control rogue was a thing.
I somehow like this card, although it is way to slow 90% of the times.
Lucked into this from Journey to Below in my budget Rogue Cthun (cuz missions), single-handly killed enemy Warrior Control. Enemy was at 20+ armor and near-full health with board control, Cthun made the board situation a bit more favorable (but was promptly removed), then Anub inexorably battered him into submission over like 10 more turns. Probably longest battle I've gone through but was hilarious.
i got it twice, 1 normal and 1 golden
golden i already disenchant, should i disenchant normal too?
My friend played anub'arak and i played my sylvanas and deathed it, he stopped playing for a few days
N'zoth says hi ...
I feel like I don't even have to craft this card because I literally ALWAYS get it from Journey Below XD
says hello to control warrior!
Just got this card in a pack, anyone know a good rogue deck to put him in? (I'm thinking control)
N'Zoth rogue.
If you cast Shadowcaster on Anub'arak , do you get an eternal 1-cost Anub'arak ?
I don't believe so.
no. when it comes back to your hand it returns to a 9 mana 8/4. Similarly, any other card from shadowcaster that returns to the hand returns to its normal stats, since shadowcaster applies a buff similar to the Mistcaller
Those 1-cost Anub'arak's should still come back with N'zoth though, which is good.