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This card made my day more then once :D Embrace your rageeeeeeeeeeee
Best 4 drop -_-
soon to be the best 5 drop
Opened this guy and N'zoth out of the same pack back when Old Gods came out! Best pack I ever had. :)
This is how 10 drops should be. Like the bosses of WoW. Intimidating and MUST BE KILLED BEFORE IT WIPES THE RAID.
always wanted this but never had the dust to craft it and adapt it into a deck
Had the worst experience with someone running this tonight.
Turn 4, they summon Barnes, that summons a 1/1 of this, end turn, summons a 10/10 of this card.
Barnes plus 2 of that entering turn 4!!!@!@~# !@!@#!@#
I managed to silence the 10 and kill the 1... But still the stupidity.
I regret disenchanting him back in February 2017...
Is this card going to have its effect changed to "At the end of your turn recruit a random minion from your deck" next expansion?
It is always those three: hatred, rage and fear. Can you come with something else?
Nobody can be so unlucky... There must be a hidden blizzard BS that overrides RNG. You may respond sarcastically, but here is the deal.
I never played this card; I would only have my match screwed EVERY TIME this bitch was played by the opponent. Guess why.
At the end of turn, Yshaarj would NEVER EVER pull a low or even middle-quality card. NEVER!! Writ large and with strongly erected exclamation points!
This schizoid baby of a complex-stricken blizzard developer ALWAYS brings to the board - either a 10/10 copy of itself, of Lich King or some other big legendary.
Why in the fking hell they say "a minion" ???
There must be a faction in HS Dept of Blizz that consists of school-bullying victims. It is they who create crap like Rogue Quest, Sculcking Geist and other ship bombs...
Are those recent experiences? If they are, Y'Shaarj is mostly only played in the deck which has only those big minions and Barnes... that is why it pulls those... chance of pulling Barnes is actually very low...
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unneeded Anymore
So it will have new text?
Like this:
At the end of your turn, Recruit a minion.
Yep, this makes sense
Is it still worth to craft it? When this card is going to be out of standard?
When the first expansion of 2018 is released (i.e. Not Kobolds),
April is when old gods will go out of rotation. You have a couple months.