Kanrethad Ebonlocke
Card Text
Your Demons cost (1) less.
Deathrattle: Shuffle
'Kanrethad Prime'
into your deck.
Flavor Text
After Illidan's downfall, Kanrethad formed the Council of the Black Harvest to study Illidan's fel magic. Some say he was... green with envy.
Gold Prime animation is so nuts. One of the best in the game.
I'll be crafting this in gold... just to pay tribute to that insanely tough boss from MoP that I spent hours on
So it's at the top of the comment section so people don't need to scroll as far
i know it’s a terrible idea but I feel like I need a golden version. The character deserves it.
I feel like the fist form is for a more demon based, zoo-type deck. The Prime form is for a more controll based set up deck. Better in wild with Bloodreaver Gul'dan and N'Zoth for example.
Prime version needs big demon support. No big playable demons for warlock this exp. Sad.
If I played magtheridon, this card would summon It?
You forgot about Abysal Summoner who summons big taunt demons. you can combo the prime version with expired Merchant like back than with guldan for multiply Summons. I jsut made a handlockbased deck you can check.
There are demons big enough to justify playing this card; we even got a Voidlord alternative now: Enhanced Dreadlord. Once Demon Hunter gets nerfed, control warlock will have a solid footing on standard. Needless to say this card is bonkers in wild so it's an investment if you're a self-loathing, life-tapping, avid warlock main.
Magtheridon is a dormant card, just like The Darkness, and summoning them would require you to fulfill their conditions by killing the Hellfire Warders and smother the Darkness Candles respectively.
You would get a dormant Magtheridon. It becomes ımpossible to awaken it if 1/3 minions aren't on the board.
The first form is a good (maybe very good) card for any demons, but the prime is just for a deck wit heavy ones
I don't believe this card fits into cube lock with doomguards, it's way too slow and your legendary weapon or voidcrasher will summon the prime minion. people replaced nzoth and many other slow cards with eggs for more tempo, so dunno
actually kinda false, since the late game version (the one with n'zoth and so on) performs better atm. but only by a marginable amount
how do you back up this "marginable amount" when statistics show that egg version has at least 4% better winrate
n'zoth version without doomguards gets murdered much more easily by slow high value/combo decks like jade druid, time warp mage, mechathun warlock etc.
and n'zoth version with doomguards gets murdered more often by midrange or aggro decks like even shaman for example
I played all versions of cubelock whole month, so I am not talking about just according stats here
This is busted in Wild
At long, long last, more big demon support in this expansion! :D This looks awesome.
Wild Cubelock and Renolock love it! This can summon 3 Doomguards!
This guy's pretty cool. Game winner in huge demonlock I Guess, or just huge turn in normal demonlock.
I mean, he is not a third rate warlock. He is probably the most powerful Azerothian warlock.
Gul'dan is the basic hero.