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I think it`s clear - busted card!
I fucking unpacked this card 3 fucking times. Ive been dusting it because i don't play priest.
Fuckin hate this card, impoosible win againts control fuckn bullshit.
Look at that... Augmented Elekk maybe?
Seems like my dream combo.
I've dusted this guy twice before Witchwood. Why couldn't I have waited?
NEVER DUST A LEGENDARY. You will regret it forever.
Never?, And Nat Pagle?
If you keep it you'll never find it again
This card is nice paired with this going first and then lady in white after. See my postsd standard priest deck: play long
Play long troll is my priest standard deck that uses this card. Pairs well with Lady in White.
Hate this card. You can t win game in fatigue AND he always steals my DK because she is always in my last 4 cards (jaina). The fun fact is that he plays MY DK before me :)
There is no good! No Evil! No light.
There is only POWAA!!
Dragon priest with mind control tech and archbishop is a very fun, ~tier 2ish, thief priest deck.
Archbishop is extremely good again Cube Warlock (tier 1) and Control Warlock (tier 2), almost guarantees win if it goes to fatigue, it's also good again priest match ups and mage, to get face damage or ice blocks. It can work against rogue, if the weapon gets shuffled.
Also mind control tech in a dragon priest deck gives a better chance against the tier 1 aggro decks, especially if you get a duskbreaker in the early game. Playing Grand archivist before Archbishop is advisable for winning, but a lot less fun.
Just another fillpack card
Unless you stupidly play him before the second Gang Up which leads to a 45 minute game going back and forth stealing each others decks... Fun times though.
This is for all the times you play wild because for some reason 30% of wild is mill rouge/mill druid.
(no i don't mean actually 30% but its still played a lot).
Became a must-have in every priest deck with the new Warlock Legendary in Kobolds & Catacombs. What's that? You destroy my deck? What about i take yours? I already use this in my Priest deck. I win every battle vs. a mill rogue or dead mans hand warrior. :-)
I had a gold card and I got 1600 dust
Threw him into my wild priest because I was facing a fair few mill rogues suddenly. First one I came up against taunted me every turn up until turn 7. Then he strangely went silent. And lost.