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i love this card so much yall dont even know
Well if it's gonna be 5 mana make it a 2/3 instead of 3/4.... And also nerf ALL Priests ress spells with 1 increase in mana on ALL.
true, one game in Wild would serve more data than needed
2019 & still going strong at making wild unplayable
This might be the issue...
To date, this is the only card I think was an outright mistake to print.
Team 5 must think so too since they can't seem to think of a solution to the issue the issues he created in Standard and now in Wild.
Nah i still think undertaker was more OP
Every time vs Big Priest he pulls out 1/1 copy of Obsidian Statue. Is it suppose to be like this?
So can we get Barnes nerfed now? Since Naga Sea Witch got nerfed, there's more Wild cards that need to get changed.
I'm glad he'll be rotating soon
Can we have the set rotation now? I want Barnes gone. GET HIM OUT!
This card is singlehandedly responsible for making my life a living hell.
I just created a Hearthpwn account to add my experiences against this card.
I have seen this card at least seven times, of those seven times Y'shaarj has always been pulled. Under the impression that every single time it has to be the only to minions in their deck, I am greeted by two more at the end of their next turn, as I do not clear the 1/1 or the 10/10 while playing a face hunter deck.
Agreeing with what has been said and stated here http://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/card-discussion/207491-barnes-and-yshaarj-glitch --- and put under a locked thread for suspicious reasons, to my eye, I have never seen Barnes pull another card from the deck besides Yshaarj , and against the seven people who I've seen do this has not only had those two minions. There is definitely something else at work here with this pair of cards and it feels like an exploit. Also for those of you who will deem to reply "Test the combo yourself," I cannot afford an epic card I want let alone two legendary cards to confirm or further document that Barnes will only seem to pull Y'shaarj.
Barnes has an equal chance of pulling any other minion in the deck
The moment you see a priest play this on turn 4 just concede
This card is a bitch born of some Blizzard bitch. And don't tell me shit about RNG. Statistically, it CAN'T ALWAYS SUMMON fat cards like Y'shaarj, which it does CONSISTENTLY. If it is a "random card" than my ass hole is a candy factory. Fuck you, Blizzard!
im going to buy the first 2 wings of karazhan
should i dust him?
EDIT: i regret dusting him, when i get a golden legendary gonna dust it and remake this guy
you can laugh
im dumb