- The Silver Hand Recruits summoned will benefit off Sword of Justice if it is present. (Source)
- Minions are summoned before the 1/4 Weapon is played.
Summon three 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits. Equip a 1/4 Weapon.
"I'm bringing the guacamole!" – One of the most successful (yet rare) Silver Hand rallying cries
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More like Mustard for Battle amirite?
Why can't I find this card to craft? Any help would be appreciated for this noob!
Nevermind! Found it, I had to select "All Cards".
At 131 points, Muster for Battle is currently the highest-rated card on HearthArena!
At nothing, Muster for Battle is currently no longer in Arena!
Sugestion to balance this card: increase mana cost by 2 make it summon two more recruits and remove the weapon
Lost in the Jungle
Wish actually granted :)
This card needs to be nerf,even as a individual card without any synergies it is overpowered.
Suggestion for balancing this card:
1)increase its mana cost by 1 or
2)dont include the weapon but this may benefit paladins even more as weapons like coghammer will not be replace when this card is played.
3)reduce 3 recruits to 2 recruits.
The card is good but definitely not overpowered. And any of those nerfs would just make it plain bad.
Class cards are always far above average, and if every class has good class cards then what's the problem? Mage has Frostbolt, Druid has Ancient of lore and so on...
The issue is that this is almost impossible to counter efficiently, and just shuts down the early game too much.
It'd still be a decent card at two recruits instead of three, and still control the early game decently enough I think.
Though it wouldn't be an issue if cards like Equality didn't make small minions so dangerous to leave alive for Paladins - and there's the potential Silver Hand recruit plays to contend with of course.
insane top card
IMO more broken than Dr boom. F this card.
if Sword of Justic is set and then I play Muster for Battle will recruits get +1/+1 or armour replacement happens befor recruits come?
Probably my most favourite card in game. Made me switch from Warrior to Paladin.
the guy who is kneeling ...its the son of Baron Rivendare ( which its taken from warcraft TCG )
here is the source :
The best flavor text in the game.
Sorry but this card is too much OP.
Because three 1/1's and a 1/4 weapon for 3 mana is incredibly good value. Even if the Silver Hand Recruits don't get buffed, Muster for Battle will almost always go 2 for 1, or better.
Does the golden version of this card summon golden tokens and a golden lights justice?