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Why doesn't hearthpwn have voice lines and sound clips of new cards?(
So much value
There is a really nice combo with this card: [card ]Omega Agent[/card] + [card ]Barista Lynchen[/card]
Uhh you forgot my 'snicker snacks'.
You heard it here first folks... She works perfectly with Flobbidinous Floop.
stupidly thought this card meant that you copied them in your hand..... Didn't realize it was only in play ones. Thought you could go infinate shudderwoks :( Any one have any cool recommendations? she did save me from a bomb warrior one game though because I had 9 cards and she clogged my hand with garbage so that I didnt draw any bombs lol.
Seriously!? I thought this card meant Copy the Battlecries in your hand. Why the F would a "legendary" copy your on board Battlecries? I'll dust her immediately
This card is very good with Firetree Witchdoctor . Play a dragon deck, and you can play both Witchdoctors and Barista for 9 mana. I love her in my dragon paladin deck
Dragon decks are always full with battlecries.
PSA on how the card works
Your minions on the board with Battlecry in their text get copied into your hand when you play this card. If you play Shudderwock on an empty board, it will not copy itself, nor will battlecry minions already in your hand get copied.
If that's true then that's an obvious intentional nerf, if Barista can't target herself (a dupe for example).
Aka the card is actually pretty bad in that case, not a harsh thing to say for a card that requires you to have 2 good cards on the board to be potentially good (1 to be ok if it's a REALLY good battlecry but most insanely good battlecries like other legendaries are above 4-5 mana) these type of cards have rarely seen play in the past and this won't either and honestly has the design space more akin to an epic (i personally thought it would be like shudderwock and would add battlecries besides it's own that you've played before it back into your hand)
People are sleeping on this card
It potentially can bring Infinite Shudderwock back to standard, just not as obnoxious as before
"We've got a latte for... uh... Myjawsthatbite Myclawsthatcatch?"
Play: Double-pump Azerano, extra star-whip, Highmountain ice, room for mana spice comin' right up!
Waiting for someone play like 7 of these at once just to hear this line stacked 7 times.
I want an earrape version.
Shudderwock or Pogo-Hopper come to mind
Oh wait, the other cards have to be already in play? well damn, looks less impressive now.
Shudderwock says hi.
The best combo I see is to play War Master Voone on turn 4 and then copy him with this (or wait until turn 9 and play both). For the memes, you can copy Griftah just as well.