Card Text
Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a copy of it to your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Flavor Text
Just wait until you also find a copy in your pocket. And your desk! And your FRIDGE!!
Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a copy of it to your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Just wait until you also find a copy in your pocket. And your desk! And your FRIDGE!!
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Kanrethad Ebonlocke says hello
Works great in Holy Wrath Paladin with a discounted 0 mana Shirvallah.
Why it had to be a deamon? Voidcallers and ManAri will troll you hard when pulling this...
got interesting combo with grumble after this stuck for a turn. ultimate greed card
I tried this in pogo rogue and it worked pretty good :) Currently loving it!
Do you need the virtual ticket to obtain this, or does it just come free to everyone?
free for everyone, withe the virtual ticket you get a golden version
Will have some interesting applications. If you duplicate it with baleful banker or something, then reduce the cost (such as with Rogue Galakrond, dreampetal florist, or a Warlock hero power after completing the supreme archaology quest), you can potentially go infinite with these.
Or if you manage to use it to duplicate a shudderwock.
Realistically, the 9 mana price tag on a 5/5 body and existing board dependency means this probably won't see much play. It's essentially faceless + a 5/5, but you can only target your own minions, for 9 mana. If there's a super strong 0 or 1 cost minion, or a reliable way to reduce the cost of cards in hand, things might be different.
Also depends on how control oriented the meta gets, but I don't see this being slotted in over something like Archivist if fatigue match ups are common.
How about elise with druid decks. Infinite circle ? ;)
Well, I can see this working with Shirvalla nicely. that's 3 7/5 with rush, divine shield and lifesteal with a 5/5 body and another shirvalla for shenanigans latter. Holy wrath paladin can be a scary contender if it gets more tools in the new expansion.
This card uses the same text as a removed Warlock card from Rastakhan's Rumble, Grimoire of Service., which was replaced with Void Contract. Since the original iteration of the card was both a class card and lacked the 5/5 body, it's safe to say that this version is a great deal better.
This could be an interesting addition to many combo decks (Holy Wrath Pally, Malygos Druid, etc.), and better yet—it's free—bringing the total to six free legendaries (this, Galakrond x5) for the next expansion!
Flex card, fit for every combo deck, either the rise of a good OTK deck or a gross control one.
Lunas Pocket Galaxy can make this card great
High Level Grand Masters card, just slap a Dream Petal Lotus on this bad boy, and you can make your opponents nightmares come true. Another card with incredible value, but dependent on board state and the utility of one other powerful card.
S tier prediction.
My only question is whether its craftable...?
Seems terrible at first glance. Maybe some shudderwock shenanigans? It's way too expensive, but we shall see what the expansion brings.