
Card Text
Can't attack heroes.
Flavor Text
This massive yeti just closes his eyes and charges at the nearest target. The nearest Target is a couple blocks away and has sick deals on skateboards.
Card Sounds
Can't attack heroes.
This massive yeti just closes his eyes and charges at the nearest target. The nearest Target is a couple blocks away and has sick deals on skateboards.
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and this can't attack heroes except supreme abyssal
got him from a pack today i am so glad i didn't have to craft him
Considering Supreme Abyssal is a card, this should definitely be 12/12
Change it to "Battlecry - Can't Attack Heros"
Because then at least you can attack heros if its summoned another way
Several old cards have aged quite well. Loatheb, Mal'Ganis, Aviana, etc. This is not one of them.
Edit: Aaaand this card has been completely outclassed by a common card, Burly Shovelfist.
Fizzy Elemental would like to say hello.
They might change the card text to read "Rush". Number one reason why I think rush is overhyped.
Rush would allow it to attack heros on the second turn it is in play changing how it behaves
Synergies with Purify. You might want to set up some defenses so you don't die, but it's definitely a hard minion to remove in one turn. Next turn, purify it and go for the win.
The Storm Guardian
Just got this out of a pack. Is it worth keeping. How do i play it without control decks?
Silence Priest, pretty fun!
Its funny that most of the times he will trade straight up with dr. boom, which is only 7 mana. The question here is of course whether that makes icehowl bad or dr. boom just balanced :)
Icehowl Ironbeak Owl
Wait what is your logic here? Dont you want to go face with this guy? Chances are he uses charge to kill something and if he survives the turn you can now target w.e you want if silence him that means kill Another minion or kill hero face. Same reason i used to silence my Ragnaros the firelord. sometimes peple ignore it for face if they are close to the win, so i go face, then slience him and pooof! no more rng, he can attack like normal minion yay i win the game. or focus board so his only target is face but its nice to have it be a surprise! he can attack! bye bye. lol
Would be a decent card if it could bypass taunt.
I recently saw one of Amazs arena highlight videos, and I lost it when his opponent played this card and Amaz's reaction was to say "Are you high?" So I came here to see if it was picked anytime in Arena at all, and it is picked a little. I guess it's better than Majordomo at the very least.
why is anyone even debating the usfulness of this usless card.....