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This is the OG Prime
Change my mind
This the OG Prime.
Change my mind
''Mean Streets of Gadgetzan''
The cancer of hearthstone.
What about blue eyes?
the only good thing from gadgetzan
Control Shaman would be your best choice.
haha love the starcraft reference in the flavor text-- "My life for aiur!"
Very good or meta-defining you say? Yea, we see a lot of White Eyes this days
Great card, but other more control oriented classes would have really appreciated this card.... much more than the current shaman in the meta.
This guy keeps winning me games! So glad I unpacked him! Control shaman rules!
Here u r! I'm actually going real well with it. Rank 3 and climbing haha
Worthwhile to dust some old worthless legionaries to craft white eyes? I main Shaman and play a Jade deck you and see off my profile. Was thinking manastorm, gazlowe, then possibly either anomalus, cho'gall, anub'ark, or foe reaper. Thoughts?
no. white eyes is not that good. aya is better.
Should of mentioned I already have Aya, though since I've posted I've begun considering thalanos as well
Definitely Anomalus. I'm having fun with White Eyes in my N'zoth Shaman deck. I actualy find White Eyes's largest benefit to be the ability to play Storm Guardian after Elemental Destruction. One of the only good 5 mana plays to prevent you from losing the board while locked down.
This card is really good. Not only in Control N'zoth Shaman, also in Midrange Shaman decks.
This card is to good for already OP Shaman.
Am I the only person to notice a couple of the leafs on the golden card?
I totally see some leaves on the golden art. They look like small maple leaves. They're very small and hard to see, but they're there.