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I miss this card back from meta standard with that card was just so good in standard :D
THE big mage MC.
One of the best cards ever. Oh how I loved the tempo mage with Medivh and Aluneth...
i feel stupid for disenchanting him
I wouldn't worry about it too much as he'll rotate out next expansion. The end is in sight.
At the start of Un’Goro I disenchanted him and Barnes to craft my Elemental Shaman deck...oops.
lmao "oops"
nice intro
Anyone know if the hero/death knight cards will trigger the weapon?
Death knights cards aren't spells.
no, they don't
Then Medivh uses Echo of Medivh on Medivh, the Guardian so that Medivh can summon Medivh.
these are accurate levels of Medivh but if i had to make a suggestion; a sprinkle more of Medivh
This is a really fun card to play. So strong with Firelands Portal!
When the Enemy drops the Acidic Swamp Ooze or the Harrison Jones :( Happened to me too often ! >:(
What if you have the Medivh hero and then play this card... Is he his own minion?
Awesome card with gorgeous effects and voice lines. Maybe not the most competitive, but I LOVE playing it.