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Mercenaries 280/ 40
if you have played this weeks tavern brawl you know why this is here
Exactly. Although I hated this card, his entrance sound was perfect. Now it sounds trash.
I re-crafted this buddy for my wild odd paladean
Edit: Just found out that patches is more useful after nerfs. You can put this on every odd-aggro decks. He just makes your deck made of 29 cards and summons as a pirate wisp when you play a pirate like Buccaneer [/card]and [card]Swashburglar. This card was OP with charge because its effect and pre-nerf body (with Charge) makes him 2-cost minion.
Summon this from your deck when you play a Pirate => Recruit a 0-cost minion when you play a Pirate => 1-cost value. You are recruiting a Wisp from your deck to prevent it from "drawn" situtation and summon a 1/1 body with Pirate Race.
1/1 Body => 0-cost but when combined or sticked to a card, you need to increase that card's cost by 1 Mana. This effects already does Patches a good minion.
Charge => Slow down here buddy. This makes the cancer happens. This costs 1 Mana too, according to 1/1 body. Example: Stonetusk Boar.
With all of this effects, Patches is worth 2 Mana. And this minion still costs (1). Without Charge. Use it.
Nice knowing ya buddy
They can revert the nerf now that he's wild. I kinda wish they would do that to every nerfed card *cough*yogg*cough
The reason they nerfed him is because they didn't want him to be like that in wild.
I'M in RUSH NOW :D pls :D
they should put rush on him when he moves to wild. Wild already has over the top combs
I guess Hearthpwn forgot to remove the charge
Patches is finally a fair card i guess. Its still a free 1/1 Pirat draw from your deck. That effect is still good and should be enough for an 1mana Legendary. Its just not broken and played in almost all decks anymore. Tho Pirates are not a thing at the moment, Patches is still played in some decks that like to draw cards and play Pirates. Although those are not many now. Could come back when Pirates get new cards, but for now it looks like the big Pirat Era is over.
Oh my God, they killed Patches!
for real tho this nerf is pretty fair, it will still be good with Southsea Captain, and the card will not be dead yet, so yeah, good nerf blizz
A-fucking-gree, rush is basically poor man's charge, so giving him rush is basically a good thing
Completely Trashed
The nerf was chemotherapy for this card
Blizzard totally killed this card. They could have just let it rotate out of Standard.
Now, it is a legendary worth less than common Swashburglar.
Saddest nerf ever.
they said they didn't want Patches to remain this way forever. Thats why they nerfed him.