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This card is not meant to be built around, it's just meant to be a reward for synergy. She's supposed to be a complementary throw in card for decks with high amounts of high health minions. You know? She's not necessary for anything but she's a nice card that doesn't synergize with every deck. Kind of like Curator or Countess or the Kabal legendaries (not reno), they help tie their decks together but they aren't essential.
guys i got lady in white,face collector,dusk fallen aviana,houndmaster shaw,glass knight out of 73 packs is it worth it?I got her as a free legendary and out of 77 packs I got Face Collector, Shudderwock, Dollmaster Dorian and Countess Ashmore, a total of 4 legendaries out of 77 packs, so you're doing better than me.. :)
Thank u so much
You're welcome :)
Voted bad. This may come as a surprise to many as this card is seen as one of the best legendaries in witchwood, but I believe this card is crap because you can't possibly build a deck around it. Any high health low attack cards you draw early on before you draw this guy are really useless. Unpowered Steambot is of course insane as a 4 mana 9/9 taunt but without the 9 attack it's complete trash. Since you gotta draw lady in white and any cards before her don't gain her effect I doubt she's very useful.
I might be wrong tho
Look, I agree this card is not meta breaking, but it is very good. There is absolutely no need to build a deck around her.
Ysera, Wyrmguard, Nightscale Matriarch, Witchwood Grizzly, Stonehill Defender and Tortollan Shellraiser are all good to amazing cards on their own, but they become really crazy with the Lady! That is already so much value you can also add a bunch of spells and minions that do not benefit from her. To make sure the deck can succeed without her. Like more dragons, a Lyra the Sunshard package, or Spiteful Summoners.
Now if you just put some unplayable garbage like Shieldbearer or Street Trickster in there and expect the Lady to make it great... that would be some stupid deckbuilding.
Reply aged like milk.
LOOL, this card is absolutely garbage. Insta dust if someone still has it.
Here's the real question - if you have a Chameleon or a Shifter Zerus and the like, do they keep inner fire's effect after transforming?
I doubt it, because of how the card text is written. Cast inner fire ... it will set the attack equal to the current heath, any subsequent changes to health would not affect the attack unlike Crystal Core where the keywords are rest of the game, its continuous, no matter what you do the minions will always be 5/5. Chameleos literally becomes a different card, so i think when played as a different card, it will be unaffected by the inner fire, as it is not continuous.
Not sure if this is a bug or not but the inner fire's effect IS kept after transforming. At least on Chameleos anyway. In a match with a friend just now, I used Lady in White, drew Chameleos, and then Chameleos transformed into a Cairne. The Cairne had 1 attack and had the Lady in White buff on it when I played it. So I can only assume that the inner fire still applies after transformation of a card or this is a bug.
This is how I would expect it to behave. The card has had inner fire cast on it, even if the card changes, it still has inner fire cast upon it.
That's not possible. Chameleos only changes when it's in your hand, and Lady in White doesn't buff anything you're holding. Lady in White will always set Chameleos' attack to 1.
it costs 6 mana though
be careful never underestimate cards before you play against them this thing might become oppressive and dominate the meta. no convinced ?? remember Reno Jackson ? XDD
I think you missed the joke
probably i was beyond tired