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I'm a bit late, but I unpacked the golden version of this big boy on Rastakhan Day 1. However, I've never used him... I hope I'll get a chance in the future!
One of the coolest cards in the game! Bar none
this card would be better if it was "Eat a Minion in your deck and copy its stats and text Deathrattle add it to your hand (also)"
When he eats, does the opponent know what it has eaten? It's better if it is unknown.
yes, he does.
My problem with this card is that, if it eats something you've
stolenborrowed from your opponent's class that costs (1) due to Academic Espionage it comes out full cost!Spirit of the Shark, Gral, the Shark, Necrium Vial and/or Necrium Blade worked pretty well for me.
[Bug] Whenever this eats a minion, the card eaten is still in the screen! Sorry I don't know where to put this.
I love the flavor of this card! Very creative effect! Most likely a fit into a Tempo or Deathrattle archetype. Meme potential if you can eat The Darkness! NOM NOM NOM
Spirit of the Shark
double eat, double stat, double draw
Can I eat My C'thun? / Eating my C'thun does it count as if C'thun Died?(In order to shuffle C'thun with Doomcaller)?
How does the "eat" mechaninc work? Do I have to choose?
The fact that they removed the $30 pre-launch pack really sucks for me, thanks blizzard guess not enough money incoming even tho the game sucks more and more.
How does this work if it eats a Deathrattle minion in your deck? Is the Deathrattle triggered by chance?
I don't think so... in my opinion eat = remove from deck, so no deathrattle trigger for the eaten minion
I really really hope for a meta where silence is less prevalent so this can see some play, because I really like it.
I just wish they would have made it at least a 3/3 so when it does get the inevitableSpellbreaker it at least can take revenge. Unfortunately blizz doesn't buff...
Even with silence I think this is really good card because it thins your deck . A much better Guild Recruiter if not silenced.
Downvoted, also, R-O-G-U-E
I would find this Card 100x more interesting if the Text would be:
Battlecry: Eat a Minion from your Opponent's Deck
Deathrattle: Summon it for your Opponent
So the Instat Silence on Gral would not be the programm to deal with him right from the start.
That way it could become a threat for your Opponent so that he maybe has to silence Gral even at the cost of the eaten Minion.
With the new Text there could be stuff like: "Rouge play's Gral - Gral eats Tyrantus - Druid naturalizes Gral and gets Tyrantus on the Field"
or "Rouge play's Gral - Gral eats Malygos - Rouge silences Gral to prevent enemy OTK combo"
From my view with the Text it has now it is just an expensive Meme Card that doesn't will see much play.
Silence will pretty much destroy this.
True, but since it's a Rogue legendary, you can always Shadowstep it or Vanish it back to your hand.