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Third Reno in Mage.
Anomalus is incredibly annoying on Frost Lich Jaina. In my last match it was like a Reno Jackson that wiped my whole board upon suicide. Plus Jaina discovered a 2nd Anomalus from a Servant of Kalimos (for a 2nd full heal). Plus Jaina triggered her two ice blocks. The match took over 30 minutes.
If this guy's Deathrattle does indeed trigger Lifesteal, I'm wondering whether I should craft it lol...
Well. Poisonous triggers at Deathrattle, so Lifesteal probably would also. But if you craft it and it won't work, don't blame me >w>
Good news! After crafting DK Jaina I tried it out on Volatile Elemental and it does work! Now I have crafted this guy. Works indeed.
Honestly it's so bad I'm kinda glad it's not an Elemental so you don't have to worry about getting it from Servant of Kalimos. I'd pick Water Elemental or Pyros every time.
Frost Lich Jaina might make you change your mind about this minion ;)
I wish Anomalus were 7 mama.
That is the most hilarious typo I think I've ever seen.
One of those cool cards I really like and would love to see application for but will probably never be playablw
Got an Anomalus after evolving a full board of minions. Good times.
I wish this card had a positive deathrattle. Nzoth mage seems like it would be so much fun.
Getting this out of Barnes is beautiful
A worst Twisting Nether. Retarded design
Yay, just opened this.... Great.
My last legendaries were:
Other Mukla
4 out of the last 8 legendaries I opened were Pagle.
Edit (13th Sep 2016): Just wanted to post a quick update, So far I've opened 3 legendaries since this comment was made, They were Boogie Monster, mandatory Pagle Darkfisher, and an Anub'arak.
I've always thought of these as a doomsayer but for the late game, when everyone starts pulling out the really big minions. It does have the capability of killing most minions with it's Deathrattle alone, but it seems to be to slow and you already have a doomsayer to do that job.
Why Mage doesn't gain any good legendaries. This is the fourth expansion (if we count Classic), only Archmage Antonidas is playable. Others just suck.
Not true. Rhonin is cool and playable in tempomage as a 2nd win condition. But it is too slow in this current meta. Though I agree that Flame leviathan and Anomalus is very bad.
Who would play Rhonin over Ragnaros or Medivh? Lol