Ogre Brute
Card Text
50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
Flavor Text
Ogres have really terrible short-term chocolate.
Card Sounds
50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
Ogres have really terrible short-term chocolate.
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I'm on mega-tilt right now. In arena, this ogre just hit my opponent hunter's face 3 times in a row while they had an ice rager on the board. He had exact lethal the turn before I would have lethal because of ice rager cashing in 15 freaking damage.
Still a good card though
One of the best pics for Area 3 drop <3
Funniest thing just happened to me. Tried attacking a 4/4 minion against a Paladin with noble sacrifice, so the attack was redirected. But, the ogres effect then triggered and he returned to attack the original, intended target, instead of the sacrifice.
This card's effect can also target stealth minions.
I've attacked with this guy 17 times in situations with at least 2 enemies.
He's triggered 13 times.
I think I love this card.
you get to go past taunt with this... omg...
I like dancing swords but i can only but 2 in my deck......Ogre time!
"short-term chocolate"
This card is still pretty value for the stats that it gives for the manacost. Definitely beats out Dancing Swords.
True, but this one is still beats most of the other neutral 3 drops in arena, i.e. spider tank, Ironfur Grizzly, etc.