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Completely forgot this was actually a card.....
I feel like this should have either had a discount on the new spells, or turned them into Death Knight spells.
I just got it from the pack, should I disenchant it? I play mostly Handbuff Paladin and Midrange Hunter.
My opponent transforms into Lord Jaraxxus.
She makes a Sacrificial Pact for me.
Completely viable kappa
1600 dust for a Chillwind Yeti is rather expensive. :(
Does nothing if played against the Lich King.
Surprised it wasn't mentioned here - flavor text is a reference to The Terminator.
possibly the worst card in hearthstone history
Not Really if you have a bunch of coins, you can easily generate spells. Edit: I revoke that statement ,as the amount of rng it would require and turns for it to be slightly useful makes it unusable. I got this card twice too
It's good vs boss because the cards you will get are coins
This needs to also have (those spells cost (1) less) or maybe (2) less for this card to actually be useful.
Currently you need a bunch of dead spells in your hand, play Lilian then play Ethereal Peddler and if RNG is good you will end up with good value.
I tried a deck with lilian voss and ethereal peddler and it didn't work. Before you do the combo you are already dead :(
Dude, this card could be good if the Battlecry was ''Fill your hand with random spells (from your opponent class)'' or at least, ''Put 3 random spells in your hand (from your opponent class)''.
Yes, she needs a buff, but that would be ridiculously OP.
It would be op only against Mage. The other classes have very situational spells.
Thank Blizzard for the 400 dust.
First game I used her, got three dinomancys. Instant concede. Great value.
Majority says its bad , Got this for first legendary , FeelsBadMan
58,4% said playable or better, what are you talking about?
Sorry , Tired mind ignored hearthpwn poll. reddit has more or less negetive opinion about it