Card Text
Taunt. Deathrattle: Your opponent puts a minion from their deck into the battlefield.
Flavor Text
"Rise from your grave!" - Kel'Thuzad
Card Sounds
Taunt. Deathrattle: Your opponent puts a minion from their deck into the battlefield.
"Rise from your grave!" - Kel'Thuzad
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Soon to be Deathrattle: Your opponent Recruits a minion
Or not
This card is SUCH a piece of shit outside of Priest. You are practically begging your opponent to kill you as quick as possible with their best minion.
Deathrattle: Take 24 damage over three turns. Turns out it's preeetty good.
"Bye bye "
said the priest, with watery eyes
Always pulls out my Reno Jackson
OMG just got wrecked because this put the opponent's Ysera onto the board. I didnt stand a chance with my Entomb Priest.
Don't we just love his voice? ^^
Nice card Vs aggros deck
deathlord just gave me a defias ringleader but I was playing a warlock so obviously could not have that card in my deck. wtf?
Mill decks are newly using him...
Amazing card, especially in the Summoner Tavern Brawl!
Love this card! :D
Utterly destroys aggressive decks but so, so bad against control. I had THREE GAMES today where my Deathlord pulled Ysera, i.e. the worst possible card for your opponent to have early vs Fatigue Priest. Seriously though, what were the odds of that?
It happens. Ysera sure was the worst possible outcome. But he's definitely not bad, though. It can completely waste important battlecries like Jaraxxus, Alextrasa, or Justicar, and some other cards lose a lot of value if played at the wrong time. The thing is, you should never play it against control without a way to deal with what could come out already in hand.
WTF? This is the first time I've seen this upvoted.
I love this card so muchhhh, so good in fatigue mage ughghgh
Well...with the introduction of GvG, this card has become insane.
The number of auto concedes you will get in Arena because of this and Velen's Chosen...
Sure, in constructed it's poor, but this is a top pick in Arena for Priests.
it's funny cause it turned out to be the opposite
I'm always ecstatic when I see my opponent play Deathlord! 80% of the time it leads to their demise. Last game opponent played Deathlord turn 3, I run my Haunted Creeper for 1 damage, get 2 Spectral Spiders and fire blast for 1. Next turn, Fireball to finish Deathlord, he pulls out... Cairne Bloodhoof (turn 4). GG.